The Bottom Fell Out

Good morning... The bottom fell out of the sky last week, as Hurricane Helene's flooding rains and devastating winds upended normal life for many in Georgia and for our neighbors in surrounding states. These photos show the impact across our nearby neighborhood. The delicious Canoe restaurant, where we often enjoy happy hour beside the Chattahoochee River. Across the [...]

By |2024-09-30T08:22:25-04:00September 30th, 2024|Community, Everyday life, Family and Friends, Trust God|

Completing The Camino

Good morning... Journeying through fog and mist our final three days, on Tuesday afternoon all twelve of us completed our Camino pilgrimage. Walking seventy-two miles of sacred trails in six life-giving days, we soaked in the magnificence of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, the holy spot where the remains of St. James have been laid to rest. [...]

By |2024-09-28T07:49:44-04:00September 28th, 2024|Everyday life, Family and Friends, God's Plan, Spiritual Growth|

My Dad’s Handwritten Note

Good morning... I finally found the right moment to open the envelop appearing in our mailbox. One early morning, I unfolded the newspaper and out dropped a note in my dad's handwriting, "We thought that you will enjoy this article. Love, Mom & Dad." "The Camino increasingly draws spiritual pilgrims who [...]

By |2024-09-16T07:35:45-04:00September 16th, 2024|Family and Friends, Nature, Spiritual Growth, Transformation|

Hope For Elizabeth’s Family

Good morning... When Elizabeth and her husband Graham received her colon cancer diagnosis, prayer was their first response. With honesty and faith she blogged about her cancer journey, inviting us to join their family in fervent prayer. At age thirty-nine, Elizabeth went to heaven this summer, and our prayers continue to surround this special family. Offering an update, [...]

By |2024-09-14T01:04:58-04:00September 14th, 2024|Family and Friends, God's Love, Grief, Prayer|

9/11 – Our Crowded Hearts

Good morning... Last Wednesday, the sun rose on a new day in Winder, Georgia, a quaint, welcoming community less than an hour outside of Atlanta. Students, heading into a normal day at Apalachee High School, were suddenly terrorized by a 14-year-old shooter. Nine were injured. Four people died. Mason Schermerhorn (14). Christian Angulo (14). Richard Aspinwall (39). Christina [...]

By |2024-09-11T04:42:36-04:00September 11th, 2024|Everyday life, Family and Friends, Prayer, Tragedy|

Honoring Diana And Hersh

Good morning... Last Thursday, Diana's spirit left earth for heaven, released from the cancer that filled her body. On Sunday, I sat in the church pew behind her daughter, hugged her, listened to her grief, bonded over her deep love for her mother. Later, we sang the Audrey Assad song below, I Shall Not Want. First thing on [...]

By |2024-09-03T09:24:35-04:00September 2nd, 2024|Death And Resurrection, Family and Friends, Grief, Trust God|

Visiting My Parents

Good morning... For years and years and years, I have taught Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, for years and years and years. Then in May, my friend said, "Why don't you consolidate your classes so you'll have more time to go to Ohio to visit with your parents?" I checked with the regulars on [...]

By |2024-08-26T10:12:35-04:00August 26th, 2024|Aging, Everyday life, Family and Friends, God's Love|

Remembering Dede

Good morning... Yesterday I went to the memorial service for Edith (Dede) Burnette, the mom of a loyal friend in our Friday morning class. Held in our small chapel at Northside Church, the service offered beautiful music (Blessed Assurance and Amazing Grace), encouraging Scriptures (Psalm 23, Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, Revelation 21:1-7), and a few prayers with brief, touching remarks [...]

Walking Each Other Home

Good morning... On the same morning my 86 year old mom left the skilled nursing care center to return home to the villa with my dad in Ohio, a dear, dear friend settled her own aging mom into her new home, a memory care facility in Huntsville, Alabama. That same evening, another loyal friend rested beside her mom [...]

By |2024-08-02T08:54:27-04:00August 2nd, 2024|Aging, Death And Resurrection, Family and Friends, Trust God|

Live This Quote

Good morning... "Hi Sue," she wrote after yesterday's blog post. "Up early today and feeling connected to you and your thoughts. Your messages always draw me back toward a centering orbit. Thank you for the beacon, the reminder - that every day we live, breathe, and walk through our day - is the most precious blessing." Below her [...]

By |2024-07-31T08:40:05-04:00July 31st, 2024|Aging, Everyday life, Family and Friends, God's Love|
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