Our Conversational Relationship

Good morning... In the early hours of last Saturday, I wrote My Hope For These Twenty Year Olds. I pushed "send" on our blog post around 3:00 am then crawled back into bed for my second sleep. When I woke again, I revisiting our message, tweaking it a bit, like I often do. I did not alter the [...]

By |2022-05-16T06:05:31-04:00May 16th, 2022|God's Love, Listen, Prayer|

My Hope For These 20 Year Olds

Good morning... As our son and a full row of twenty-year-old friends watched their classmates paying tribute at their best friend's funeral, I wondered to myself, "Lord, in what ways is your Spirit sinking into their hearts? How are you helping these young adults to process this unexpected loss? Somehow, some way, is your comforting presence becoming more [...]

By |2022-05-16T04:11:04-04:00May 14th, 2022|Death And Resurrection, Friendship, God's Love|

This Bittersweet Mother’s Day

Good morning... I am deeply touched by the bittersweet nature of Mother's Day this year. I feel the sweetness of my mom coming back to life after being on a ventilator in the Ohio ICU. Wow, what a joy to celebrate! I also feel the bitter of old friends, a mom and a grandmother, with whom I am [...]

By |2022-05-09T01:15:48-04:00May 7th, 2022|Community, Family and Friends, God's Love|

Joyfully Reunited

Good morning... Last month I was joyfully reunited in Jacksonville, Florida with friends and family of Betty Skinner to honor the memory of our beloved spiritual mentor. Betty is the down to earth Christian mystic at the center of The Hidden Life Awakened by authors Dr. Cathy Snapp (in the UGA hat) and Kitty Crenshaw (pictured above Cathy). [...]

By |2022-05-05T11:14:18-04:00May 6th, 2022|Family and Friends, God's Love, Unity|

Fun Mother’s Day Gifts

Good morning... The joy of this Mother's Day week is already picking up speed. Our artistic friend Corinne Adams is also a dedicated homework helper at PAWkids, the non-profit downtown where several of us are enjoying quality time. Corinne is in the process of photographing all of the twenty kids in the after school enrichment program. Look at [...]

By |2022-05-02T07:58:51-04:00May 2nd, 2022|Community, God's Love, Joy|

What Makes A Good Marriage?

Good morning... Along with a baby blue golf shirt to match the color of his eyes, I gave me father a tiny yellow birthday gift. Pictured above, I gave him a small symbol of the love I see him sharing tenderly with my mother, his wife for over sixty years. Two little ceramic birds leaning into each other. [...]

By |2022-04-30T08:56:08-04:00April 30th, 2022|Aging, God's Love, Organic Growth|

On My Dad’s 85th Birthday

Good morning... My father is 85-years-old today. Right now, at 3:40 am, I am gently unwrapping his first birthday gift. For the first time in weeks he is asleep in their familiar bed, hopefully receiving some much needed rest. I took his place on the couch nearby my mom who is sleeping in her recliner, continuing to recover [...]

By |2022-04-29T05:01:46-04:00April 29th, 2022|Aging, God's Love, Gratitude|

My Mistake

Good morning... "Unfortunately, this is not true," a loyal subscriber from Canada wrote after the music video I posted yesterday of Ukrainian President Zelenskyy reportedly singing "Endless Love" with his wife in March 2022. Our regular reader sent me a link exposing the truth that the music video was mis-captioned, adding the following facts. "While Zelenskky can’t be [...]

By |2022-04-26T04:27:13-04:00April 26th, 2022|God's Love, Imperfection, Organic Growth|

Zelenskyy Shares Love

Good morning... I just happened upon a music video expressing the love of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his wife, recorded on March 15th, 2022. It is touching to consider how the endless love of this young couple pours into the lives of so many who are losing their loved ones in this ugly war. Lord, your faithful [...]

By |2022-04-25T02:28:48-04:00April 25th, 2022|Family and Friends, God's Love, Unity|

Today’s Funeral

Good morning... I wake early in deep prayer for my special friend. Today I support her, as she supports her husband, as he lays his father to final rest. After weeks of facing serious health challenges, her father-in-law went to heaven at age 85. My own dad turns 85 this week, and, as many of you know, my [...]

By |2022-04-25T01:40:12-04:00April 23rd, 2022|Aging, Family and Friends, God's Love|
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