Who Is In Your Bundle?

Good morning... Years ago I learned of a Quaker concept called "bundle." Over the years, God has enhanced my small seed of understanding. The main gist is that we are all born into this world wired for a unique "bundle" of people, people we are designed to spiritually influence and to be influenced by over our lifetime. Our [...]

By |2021-03-06T08:21:48-05:00March 6th, 2021|Abundance, God's Love, Organic Growth|

Telling Our Story

Good morning... "Dear Friend," she wrote after yesterday's post My Five Year Headache. "About the time you wrote to me, I was stirring and ready to slip downstairs for coffee and a chapter or two from my current book Lighthousekeeping. I made coffee and read these words: Tell me a story . . . What story, child? One [...]

By |2021-03-05T07:21:01-05:00March 5th, 2021|Abundance, Everyday life, God's Love|

My Five Year Headache

Good morning... This morning, I have no idea why my computer returned itself to emails from this very same week five years ago. Back then, a subscriber to our everyday blog had sent me the photo above from her back yard in Florida. In retrospect, now I realize I felt much like the silhouette of this lone little [...]

By |2021-03-04T13:28:13-05:00March 4th, 2021|Friendship, God's Love, Grief|

One Yellow Tinted Bird

Good morning... After teaching our Zoom class in the cozy quiet of our newly decorated church parlor, I packed up my candle and laptop, I gathered my phone and purple notebook, and, after talking with a few friends on the staff, I walked out into the brick courtyard on the way to our car. Just outside the door, [...]

By |2021-02-15T04:25:45-05:00February 15th, 2021|Awareness, Everyday life, God's Love|

Some Very Special Valentines

Good morning... On January 7th I received a very fun email: "We have a precious senior in high school who, for the past few years, raises money to purchase roses and Godiva chocolates and delivers them to our homebound church members for Valentine’s Day," wrote a friend from the Pastoral Care department at Northside Church. "It is an [...]

By |2021-02-14T06:25:32-05:00February 14th, 2021|Community, God's Love, Unity|

The Wonder Of A Wedding

Good morning... Last Saturday Steve borrowed a tux, and we thoroughly enjoyed a highly anticipated black tie wedding with longtime friends. The dynamic wedded couple, who had dated diligently for over a decade, will now enjoy many, many more decades growing together in oneness with God and each other. The joyful wedding video from last Saturday is not [...]

By |2021-02-13T07:00:58-05:00February 13th, 2021|God's Love, Joy, Unity|

Which Face Is Mine?

Good morning... We are each a strange mixture of sometimes selfish, sometimes kind, sometimes building up, sometimes tearing down, sometimes annoyingly anxious and sometimes exuding peace. Each human heart is a many-faceted thing. We influence others as we are gradually transformed by God. Whenever our hearts make us feel guilty and remind us of our failures, we know [...]

By |2021-02-12T00:55:55-05:00February 12th, 2021|Anxiety, God's Love, Transformation|

Up From Our Roots

Good morning... As I was searching for a simple way to bring to life the first three chapters of Genesis, I ran into this really cool rendition of two artists' expression of Genesis 3. God also drew me to Luke 7:40-47 in the Message translation to balance our bad debt with God's abundant goodness. Up from our common [...]

By |2021-02-11T10:44:33-05:00February 11th, 2021|Abundance, God's Love, Imperfection|

“Happy 95th Birthday, Betty!”

Good morning... For those who have followed our everyday blog for a while, you know I love my dear friend Betty Skinner. Betty and I first met through the pages of the sacred book chronicling her spiritual journey, The Hidden Life Awakened by Kitty Crenshaw and Dr. Cathy Snapp. The story of God meeting Betty very intimately in [...]

By |2021-02-09T03:31:26-05:00February 9th, 2021|Aging, God's Love, Holy Spirit|

We Walk With Our Shadow

Good morning... We deepen down into the statement, "When we emerge from this global pandemic, we will be either a drunk, a hunk, a chunk or a monk!" Do we see the two-sided invitation of each temporary state? The drunk may be driven to surrender, craving an intimate connection to our Higher Power. The hunk may get caught [...]

By |2021-01-31T08:17:19-05:00January 31st, 2021|God's Love, Imperfection, Light In Darkness|
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