More Than Words

Good morning... The aging parents of three close friends transitioned from earth to heaven this week. I shared a few intimate words: "I am praying for you and will continue praying." Both separate from and connected to, my heart kneels down to lift up my prayer: "In their darkest hours, give them each a friend with whom they [...]

By |2018-11-20T05:44:58-05:00November 20th, 2018|Aging, Friendship, God's Love, Loss, Prayer|

Why Is This Post Late?

Good morning... This post will reach us after 8:00 am when fresh morning messages are normally scheduled to grace our inbox at 3:00 am. Why? Why is this post late? Because sometimes it is difficult and time consuming for me to put words to God's new morning light dawning from within me. Today is one of those late blooming sunrises. [...]

By |2018-11-19T09:03:31-05:00November 19th, 2018|God's Love, Heaven On Earth, Light In Darkness, Prayer, Transformation|

The Whiff Of One Weird Word

Good morning... Nosegay. When is the last time you heard the word nosegay? Tickling my attention, this weird word appeared in our recent post God's Message In My Dream. Often when the "indwelling Divine Guest whose Voice is spoken in the Silence" speaks into my ordinary life, the LORD's language sounds foreign. "God, what is a nosegay?" I scribble in [...]

By |2018-11-13T07:08:02-05:00November 13th, 2018|Everyday life, God's Love, Human Nature, Peace|

Why Are We Afraid?

Good morning... We sat in silence, suddenly stunned. The immensity of God's invitation felt astounding. As we read these words our hearts pondered aloud, "Might, collectively, we be God's healing solution for this hurting world?" ****** Excerpt from Paula D'Arcy's Seeking With All My Heart To live in extraordinary ways, to taste the freedom of the soul deep [...]

By |2018-11-08T04:01:26-05:00November 8th, 2018|Everyday life, Fear, God's Love, God's Plan, Light In Darkness|

Each Side Has Stones To Throw

Good morning... The healing power of the rippling river is our only hope. When flow from the heights is bullied and blocked, stifling sediment collects. Over years this happens between us. Division builds up. Loving expression slows down. Dry. Hard. Unmoving. Exposed is an ugly rock bed, separating "us" from "them." Within arms length, each side has stones [...]

By |2018-11-05T07:32:41-05:00November 5th, 2018|God's Love, Healing, Human Nature, Peace, Prayer|

What Is God Saying?

Good morning... God is weaving wonderful wisdom through our daily blog right now. If we are to enjoy the passage of time, we need to empty ourselves of poisonous anger, follow in Christ's forgiving footprints, and notice God's unconditional love expanding to heal everything, within us and around us. Prayerfully pondering our past posts, I can sense what God [...]

By |2018-11-04T06:10:27-05:00November 3rd, 2018|God's Love, God's Plan, God's Timing, Healing|

God Grows In Our Glitches

Good morning... Even with our best intentions, glitches fall through our cracks. We cannot catch every ball, juggle every commitment, do every little thing perfectly, each and every day. Being flawed sucks. Accepting flaws sparks growth. After sending out yesterday's post How Do We Forgive? I received several kind emails identifying an error. I went back to the message I [...]

By |2018-11-01T05:25:15-04:00November 1st, 2018|God's Love, Healing, Imperfection, Letting Go, Spiritual Growth|

How Do We Forgive?

Good morning... On this week when eleven innocent people were gunned down in a Jewish synagogue, how did God know that our class would read aloud these touching words, revealing our immense capacity to forgive? ****** Excerpt from Paula D'Arcy's Seeking With All My Heart While living in Boston, I studied the Old Testament with a gifted rabbi [...]

By |2018-10-31T09:55:09-04:00October 31st, 2018|God's Love, Grief, Healing, Jesus Christ, Transformation|

Invest In The Invisible

Good morning... "What is essential is invisible," whispered yesterday's post. We wake to a time of visible unrest. Hurricane devastation. Senseless violence. Political bullying. As the world looks out-of-sorts, God remains the same. Today and every day, how might we invest in the invisible? Love. Roots. Trust. Hope. Spirit. God's Word. Faith. Senses. The living Christ. When we [...]

By |2018-10-29T05:13:44-04:00October 29th, 2018|Faith, God's Love, Heaven On Earth, Jesus Christ, Mystery|

Be God’s Bridge

Good morning... Facilitating a book study in Florida, she sent me her favorite quote from the week: “The purpose of radically ordinary hospitality is to take the hand of a stranger and put it in the hand of the Savior, to bridge hostile worlds, and to add to the family of God.” (Rosaria Butterfield's The Gospel Comes With A [...]

By |2018-10-28T09:12:44-04:00October 28th, 2018|Community, God's Love, Heaven On Earth, Home, Pain|
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