Communing With The Ears Of A Child

Good morning... Before lighting candles and singing "Silent Night" to end the sacred Christmas Eve service, our church family was invited to take communion. We were reminded that, at his final earthly meal, the grown up baby Jesus took bread and blessed it, broke it and said, "This is my body, broken for you. Take and eat." Likewise, he [...]

By |2018-06-15T21:34:10-04:00December 27th, 2016|God's Love, God's Plan, Jesus Christ|

From Plate To Soul

Good morning... If I sat behind your car at a red light, content with my 'Listener' license plate, I might discover these words inviting me from your personalized plate into the center of your soul. 'Caregiver.' 'Hopeful.' 'Mother.' 'Loving.' 'Teacher.' 'Sunshine.' 'Mover.' 'Quiet.' 'Saved.' 'Learner.' 'Sensitive.' 'Encourager.' 'Encourager.' 'Encourager.' 'Encourager.' One of you wrote, "Before children, my word was [...]

By |2018-06-16T07:27:12-04:00December 14th, 2016|God's Love, True Self|

Blanketed By God

Happy Thanksgiving morn... You simply must give yourself at least a few-second-gift of this peaceful video passed along to me by a dear, wise friend. enUS711US711&oq=hamster+eating+carrot+in+blanket&aqs=chrome..69i57.15735j0j9&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 If this hamster could speak english, she might encourage us this day, "Hold with your two bare hands the slice of life given to you today. Remember you are blanketed in God's [...]

By |2018-06-16T09:58:17-04:00November 24th, 2016|God's Love, Gratitude|

Be Notoriously Bad

Good morning... As she nestled into the monastery for a weekend retreat, my friend read these framed words on the wall. Forget safety. Live where you fear to live. Destroy your reputation and be notorious. - Rumi By nature, she plays it safe. She heeds the warning signs of her fears. Her reputation has taken a long time to [...]

By |2018-06-16T14:09:43-04:00October 25th, 2016|Fear, God's Love, Letting Go, Silence And Solitude|

Who Are You?

Good morning... "You're a good, good Father. It's who You. It's who You are. It's who You are." "And I'm loved by You. It's who I am. It's who I am. It's who I am." "You are perfect in all of Your ways. You are perfect in of Your ways. You are perfect in all of Your ways, O [...]

By |2018-06-17T15:02:12-04:00October 4th, 2016|God's Love, True Self, Trust God|

Fear And Anger Turn To Joy

Good morning... God is able to communicate with us on multiple levels every single day. After I posted yesterday's blog in the middle of the night, "The gift of the gold finch," I saw several of gold finches while on my 9:00 am walk with a friend to and from the horse farm. Walking round and round the familiar [...]

By |2018-06-17T22:43:33-04:00April 21st, 2016|God's Love, Healing, Joy, Transformation|

The LORD Calls My Pen

God had you in mind on April 30, 1988. When my pen left its first mark on a blank journal page, these are the words formed by my twenty-five year old fingers. “Being aware and attentive to feelings, thoughts, inklings is very important to me. For if I don’t know my inner world, I won’t be able to share [...]

By |2017-09-01T01:49:39-04:00April 30th, 1988|God's Love, Spiritual Gifts|
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