I Feel Useless

Good morning... As the effects of this pandemic persist, I am hitting a wall within myself: Is what I am doing enough? How can I better bridge the gap between haves and have nots? What are my prayers really doing? How do I make an impact in people's lives when I can't see them, I can't hug them, [...]

By |2020-05-13T09:12:59-04:00May 13th, 2020|Everyday life, God's Plan, Letting Go, New From Old, Trust God|

Dive To The Depths

Good morning... My mind returns to a segment of Scripture read to me over the phone by a friend. Sequestered in solidarity, let's read these vibrant verses slowly aloud. You there. Me here. Us bonding together as we begin this new day. God’s wisdom is something mysterious that goes deep into the interior of his purposes. You don’t [...]

By |2020-04-22T02:52:50-04:00April 22nd, 2020|Community, God's Plan, Letting Go, Mystery|

One Playful Easter Poem

Good morning... Clever creativity has spread wildly during this time of coronavirus quarantine. This playful poem, forwarded to me by many kind folk, is one of my favorite displays of Jesus' regenerative joy born this Easter morn. ****** How the Virus Stole Easter By Kristi Bothur With a nod to Dr. Seuss ? Twas late in ‘19 when the [...]

By |2020-04-12T06:47:04-04:00April 12th, 2020|Abundance, Death And Resurrection, God's Plan, Joy, Unity|

Our Curse Is Reversed

Good morning... "This is the kind of life you’ve been invited into, the kind of life Christ lived" says 1 Peter 2:24-25 in the Message translation. "He suffered everything that came his way so you would know that it could be done, and also know how to do it, step-by-step. He never did one thing wrong, not once said [...]

More Than Chocolate

Good morning... Many are in habit of "giving something up for Lent," but all of us have unexpectedly given up much more than chocolate for Lent 2020. We have given up NBA basketball, the March Madness tournament, and fantasy sports leagues that offer delightful distraction. We have given up time with friends, big group gatherings, hugs, touches, and [...]

By |2020-04-10T15:09:47-04:00April 10th, 2020|Community, Death And Resurrection, God's Plan, Letting Go, Pain|

Spread Calm With A Palm

Happy Palm Sunday... I received this announcement earlier in the week. Now I turn around to share it with you. God's green branch of peace surpasses our human understanding. Wherever we wake this Palm Sunday morn, may we unite as the calming body of Christ, physically isolated but spiritually inseparable. The next day, the news that Jesus was [...]

By |2020-04-03T12:06:36-04:00April 5th, 2020|Community, God's Plan, Peace, Sabbath, Unity|

We Are Free

Good morning... "God sent Jesus to make free persons of us," points out spiritual mentor Henri Nouwen. "He has chosen compassion as the way to freedom. That is a great deal more radical than you might at first imagine. It means that God wanted to liberate us, not by removing suffering from us, but by sharing it with [...]

By |2020-03-04T13:00:51-05:00March 4th, 2020|Everyday life, God's Plan, Imperfection, Trust God, Unity|

What I Used To Think

Good morning... I used to think I needed older, wiser mentors watering my seeds of faith, people pouring into me, helping me to grow. At the same time, I thought I was designed to be an older, wiser mentor, pouring into the lives of others, helping them to grow. Me being poured into so I could pour out. [...]

By |2020-02-06T03:55:23-05:00February 5th, 2020|Abundance, Community, Faith, God's Plan, Spiritual Growth|

If We Let Him

Good morning... "It’s the unknown which God's enemy uses to create fear, worry, anxiety," she quietly shared. Once we accept life as it is, uncertainty and all, we can face God's opponent saying with confidence, "You meant to hurt me, but God turned your evil into good to save the lives of many people, which is being done" [...]

By |2020-01-24T07:38:12-05:00January 24th, 2020|Anxiety, Everyday life, God's Plan, Trust God|

What Torment Teaches

Good morning... The Spirit of God continues to speak. Isaiah 50:10b-11 (NIV) sheds more Light on this portion of our path. Let the one who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on their God. But now, all you who light fires and provide yourselves with flaming torches, go, walk in the light of your [...]

By |2020-01-16T12:09:14-05:00January 17th, 2020|Anxiety, God's Plan, Light In Darkness, Peace, Trust God|
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