Gratitude Holds Hands With Grief

Good morning... Mary, my soulmate from Charlotte, N.C. whom I have never met, wrote to me from the beach yesterday. Her words are perfect and poignant. ****** My life is Blessed…But My Son Is Dead?!?! How can it be? I am taking in the majesty of God’s Kingdom at the beach in the winter…the ocean with it’s vastness, rolling [...]

By |2018-01-18T04:20:57-05:00January 18th, 2018|Death And Resurrection, Gratitude, Grief, Trust God|

The Gift Of A God-Glitch

Good morning... Today, on December 12th, there is no reason my inbox should open to October 12th, but that glitch just happened. So I click again on a life-changing announcement. ****** Celebrating Beth Jordan Journal entry by Greg Jordan — 10/12/2017 Beth passed away peacefully last night after living eight courageous and inspiring years with brain cancer. Beth was an [...]

By |2017-12-12T03:25:19-05:00December 12th, 2017|Death And Resurrection, Gratitude, Grief|

One Final Post

Good morning... A friend to many of us, Cathy Smith, wrote this week her final post chronicling the precious life of her daughter Abby who went to heaven at age seven. ****** Dear Faithful Friends and Prayer Warriors: This will be the FINAL POST on Abby’s Care Page site due to the fact that Care Pages is shutting down [...]

By |2017-10-31T11:47:58-04:00October 31st, 2017|Gratitude, Grief|

Brokenness And Joy

Good morning... I have never met Mary, but yesterday she wrote: "Hi Sue, I saw your devotionals about brokenness and the verse in today’s has been one I have experienced so personally the last year and a half (He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [healing their pain and comforting their sorrow] Psalm 147:3). I wanted to share what I [...]

By |2017-10-23T14:30:48-04:00October 24th, 2017|Community, Gratitude, Grief|

It Could Have Been Worse

Good morning... "Hoping high tide doesn't bring the river into our living room," a friend texted from Jacksonville, Florida as Hurricane Irma slammed her state. "Please pray that the water recedes and we don't see the predicted 4-6 foot surge. Thank you." I lifted prayers all day and was grateful for her final message. "Waters came up to the [...]

By |2017-09-12T10:52:51-04:00September 12th, 2017|Everyday life, Gratitude, Grief, Tragedy|

Treasured Testimonials

Good morning... Interactive. One of the best things about our written word ministry is her interactive nature. I prayerfully listen for God's subtle movement. I sense a fresh smidgen of Holy Spirit wisdom. With God I craft a morning message, then I press "send" to reach out to you. You read and receive at your convenience. You prayerfully ponder, [...]

By |2017-09-03T08:40:07-04:00September 3rd, 2017|Everyday life, Gratitude, Holy Spirit|

Why Did God Make Tears?

Good morning... A friend who has thrived through many transitions sent me the lyrics and the link to her favorite music video. If there is any link to touch on for two minutes of encouragement, this is one special gift I hope you will give to yourself. I am grateful, first, that God hand-builds for each of us a [...]

By |2018-06-14T17:47:16-04:00May 12th, 2017|Gratitude, Healing, Transition, Trust God|

God Is In Our “Parking Lot” Moments

Good morning... If you know anything about the collapse of the I-85 bridge in Atlanta a few weeks back, you know that traffic has been horrible on surface streets around town. Getting anywhere from anywhere has been laden with frustrating delays. I had this experience yesterday when I drove to my friend's home for an early morning walk. What [...]

By |2018-06-14T20:15:32-04:00April 29th, 2017|Awareness, God's Timing, Gratitude|

Teary Eyes Open Wide To God

Good morning... "After my mother passed away we were going through her things and this poem was in her wallet," wrote one subscriber after my 4.21.17 post. She continued, "I thought I would send you all of the verses my mother had on this little card she carried in her wallet." i thank you god for this amazing day: [...]

By |2018-06-14T21:15:08-04:00April 23rd, 2017|Death And Resurrection, Gratitude|

Say “Yes” To Today

Good morning... Before leaving our final gathering of the semester, she gave me a tender hug, handed me a small paper bag, and softly said, "You came into my life at just the right time." Standing beside her, I pulled from the flat, brown bag one simple, organic-looking card bearing rudimentary typing. Our hearts nestled together, breathing in the [...]

By |2018-06-14T21:44:42-04:00April 21st, 2017|Gratitude, Grief|
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