One Tender Tribute

Good morning... "As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, let us reflect on the tremendous price that was paid by the brave men and women who gave their lives in service to our country," says the post accompanying this tender YouTube video paying tribute. "Through the sounding of Taps, members of The United States Air Force Band [...]

By |2020-05-25T07:40:09-04:00May 25th, 2020|Community, Death And Resurrection, Gratitude, Grief, Trust God|

Perspective Is Powerful

Good morning... Originally, this weekend was to host graduation festivities for high schoolers in our neck of the world's woods. Our youngest son would have been one of the many celebrating this long-anticipated rite of passage, capping years of hard work in the classroom, unforgettable moments on the sports field, and life-giving hours on a performance stage. No [...]

By |2020-05-16T12:04:33-04:00May 16th, 2020|Community, Everyday life, Grief, Loss, Trust God|

The Mourning After Mother’s Day

Good morning... Her mom was a beloved teacher at the elementary school. Bright. Sunny. A breath of joy. She, I remember, was a vibrant young woman when her mother died, a loving daughter who was schooled daily by one of the best lovers of life ever to walk this earth. "To all the daughters who’ve lost their mothers," [...]

By |2020-05-11T12:44:43-04:00May 11th, 2020|Everyday life, Grief, Healing, Prayer, Trust God|

Comfort In Crisis

Good morning... Together we are learning about Ring Theory, concentric circles of support expanding out from each individual (see yesterday's blog post Our Words Matter). During this Covid-19 crisis, we recognize the importance of sending "comfort in" to the front line workers, those in danger, those grieving, and we work our own "grief out" with people in our [...]

By |2020-04-26T09:07:02-04:00April 26th, 2020|Community, Everyday life, Grief, Healing|

Little And Large

Good morning... Settling in to do Saturday yard work, I discovered the sign above. It magically appeared in our yard overnight, delivered personally, planted by hand, with all good intentions. But, surprisingly, this kind gesture made me sad. Really sad. Like any strong feeling, I took time to process, "God, why does this symbol of academic achievement step [...]

By |2020-04-19T10:53:20-04:00April 19th, 2020|Community, Everyday life, Grief, Letting Go, Trust God|

One Week Ago

Good morning... One week ago today, my husband and I sat on our back porch watching online the celebration of life service for a fifteen-and-a-half year old who died unexpectedly. Being ministry friends with his dad, our hearts broke for this faithful family and their many friends on that solemn Holy Saturday, before the resurrection power of Easter [...]

By |2020-04-18T06:13:53-04:00April 18th, 2020|Death And Resurrection, Family and Friends, Grief, Suicide, Trust God|

Intimate Loving Care

Good morning... I have been with people as they have taken their last breath. Sacred. Surreal. The eternal spirit leaves the still body. Life, lovely while it lasts, is soon over. Life as we know it, precious and beautiful, ends. The body is put back in the same ground it came from. The spirit returns to God, who [...]

By |2020-03-31T04:15:27-04:00March 31st, 2020|Death And Resurrection, God's Love, Grief, Light In Darkness|

Turning Fifty-Seven

Good morning... Grateful to turn fifty-seven today, I am experiencing my most extreme birthday ever. The word "extreme" is a multifaceted one. As an adjective, "extreme" means very far removed from the ordinary or an outermost point farthest from the norm. As a noun, "extreme" means the highest degree, like "cautious to an extreme," or two things as different from each [...]

By |2020-03-23T06:55:34-04:00March 23rd, 2020|Aging, Gratitude, Grief, Joy, Trust God|

Wise Words From A Coach

Good morning... I have been pondering a portion of the Richard Rohr quote shared in our recent post Our Uphill Climb. " not waste a moment of time lamenting poor parenting, lost job, failed relationship, physical handicap, gender identity, economic poverty, or even the tragedy of any kind of abuse," wrote Rohr. In my heart of hearts, I [...]

By |2020-02-15T09:28:17-05:00February 15th, 2020|Depression, Everyday life, Grief, Healing, Suicide|
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