Our Flock Of Seven

Good morning... Inspired by our post about the unifying synchronicity of the leaf-feather-stick trio resting on the sands of Grayton Beach, Florida, one of you turned me on to the God-designed instinct implanted in starlings. "When you read about what murmuration is, you will see lots of possibilities for how groups/teams/families/systems might work together to flex and adapt [...]

By |2019-01-10T06:09:02-05:00January 10th, 2019|Family and Friends, God's Plan, Holy Spirit, Mystery, Nature|

Moved By A “Dead” Leaf

Good morning... "Aimlessness is akin to lifelessness," writes a famous religious teacher of our day. His devotional went on to say, "Dead leaves in the backyard may move around more than the dog, more than the children. The wind blows this way, they go this way. The wind blows that way, they go that way. They tumble, they [...]

By |2019-01-07T16:40:52-05:00January 8th, 2019|God's Plan, Holy Spirit, Letting Go, Mystery, True Self|

Savor This Sunday: Strength In Surrender

Good morning... I love this photo of a journal I found secondhand at Goodwill. A baby resting in the hands of a father, with words written in a foreign language. The language of letting go feels foreign to us. "Why? How? What will happen?" Our human nature demands, "Cling. Covet more. Control everything," while the Holy Spirit whispers, [...]

By |2018-12-08T22:41:33-05:00December 9th, 2018|Holy Spirit, Human Nature, Letting Go, Peace, Trust God|

Savor This Sunday: God’s Inner Light

Good morning... I am sensing God inviting us to develop a new habit. "Savor This Sunday" will be a fresh feature added to our everyday blog. Every Sunday we take extended time to savor the spiritual growth we are experiencing together, week after week. Summing up the Spirit's wisdom, Sundays will offer an overview of each daily message [...]

By |2018-11-25T08:32:29-05:00November 25th, 2018|God's Love, Holy Spirit, Light In Darkness, Spiritual Growth, True Self|

We Wear God’s Wisdom

Good morning... Seeking God's wisdom, I researched Scriptures on “breath” for our recent post, Breathe God In And Out. To my mind’s eye, three poignant passages appeared polished like pearls. For this morning's message, I am stringing together these pearls of wisdom, like a necklace worn to adorn our everyday lives. But if God himself has taken up residence [...]

By |2018-05-20T07:40:17-04:00May 21st, 2018|Holy Spirit|

Breathe God In And Out

Good morning... Alongside our own morning messages, I receive one other online devotional. The Henri Nouwen Society sends out select words from Nouwen's plethora of books. Deep. Short. Touching. Most days I make time to mull over these meaningful meditations. This week Nouwen's inspired words have resonated richly with what God is teaching us together. As I work diligently [...]

By |2018-05-19T11:46:56-04:00May 19th, 2018|God's Love, Holy Spirit, Transformation|

God’s G.R.A.C.E. Travels

Good morning... God inspired words for the pastor's sermon. The wisdom traveled into my friend's ear, through her fingers, onto a notecard that greets her daily on her bathroom mirror. She shared the G.R.A.C.E. acronym at our final Friday gathering, and emailed the Spirit-filled words to our interested group. Then I posted the acronym on our blog, We Grow G.R.A.C.E., [...]

By |2018-05-06T16:47:51-04:00May 6th, 2018|God's Word, Holy Spirit|

Pause. Pay Attention.

Good morning... After a four day, Holy Spirit hiatus caused by technical difficulty, I wake to the following notice in my inbox. Your list has lost a subscriber. sue@suetoyou.com Sue2You Blog Unsubscribe Date Mar 16, 2018 07:35 pm Email Address sue@suetoyou.com First Name Sue Last Name Allen Unsubscribe IP View Unsubscribe When I "View Unsubscribe," the reason given [...]

By |2018-03-17T09:15:43-04:00March 17th, 2018|Everyday life, Gratitude, Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Trust God|

Making Peace With Mystery

Good morning... "Sue, I am so glad you posted this," she wrote after yesterday's message Depression Varies. "Making peace with mystery runs counter to our culture. Sharing this truth with others can help open the door to honesty in God. And, usher us out of the false phrases that stand in for those things we really don't/can't understand...but feel compelled [...]

By |2018-03-07T09:43:41-05:00March 7th, 2018|Depression, Healing, Holy Spirit|

Put On Your Thinking-Cap

Good morning... Sunday afternoon through Tuesday breakfast, the Holy Spirit and I facilitated a private "With God Weather Life Retreat" at the mountain home of a dear, deep friend who hosted a hearty handful of women handpicked by the LORD. Sharing our stories of brokenness and beauty, sorrows and joys, darkness and light, we journeyed side by side, as [...]

By |2018-02-21T06:48:11-05:00February 21st, 2018|Discernment, God's Word, Holy Spirit|
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