I Just Feel Really Sad

Good morning... "Every year since we've been married, we've traveled to see our families," she said over the phone yesterday. "Today is the day we always leave, we head up north, we go to my parent's home to gather with all the aunts, uncles, and cousins. Then we spend time with my husband's family. For the first time, [...]

By |2020-12-22T06:39:40-05:00December 22nd, 2020|Family and Friends, Letting Go, New From Old|

Betwixt And Between

Good morning... The last presidential debate has passed. Tons of votes have been cast. Many more will be gathered and counted. Now we wait suspended, betwixt and between, hopeful for what will eventually be. "We keep praying that our illusions will fall away," writes Richard Rohr. "God erodes them from many sides, hoping they will fall. But we [...]

By |2020-10-23T03:53:36-04:00October 23rd, 2020|Anxiety, Letting Go, Transformation, Trust God|

Torn To Pieces

Good morning... I happen upon a German word, "Zerrissenheit," which means "torn-to-pieces-hood." Researching further, I meet some synonyms. Rift. Strife. Disunity. Fragmentation. Brokenness. Disjointedness. Inner turmoil or conflict. "Zerrissenheit," what a perfect word to meet two weeks before Election Day 2020. If feels like we are living in a ragged state of "torn-to-pieces-hood." Some think this, others think that. [...]

By |2020-10-20T03:32:40-04:00October 20th, 2020|Anxiety, God's Word, Letting Go, Trust God|

A Friend Understands

Good morning... In her text yesterday she made reference to her all time favorite blog post. I dug around and found it. I first shared this message with our online community on my birthday, March 23rd, in 2015. ****** Welcome Aboard the Train of Life by Sue Allen When we are born, our Creator pushes us from the [...]

By |2020-10-14T05:03:56-04:00October 14th, 2020|Everyday life, Friendship, God's Plan, Gratitude, Letting Go|

You Oughta See Her Fly

Good morning... "So beautiful, Sue," she emailed after yesterday's post, On Broken Wings. "Do you know Martina McBride's wonderful song Broken Wings? I'm singing it to myself now. Xxxx." I had never met the song before, and when I googled it, the music video below popped up, a music video released on October 2nd, 2009. Sometimes our broken [...]

By |2020-09-24T06:44:21-04:00September 24th, 2020|Abundance, Letting Go, True Self, Trust God|

What Do Dogs Feel?

Good morning... Her normal nap spots were vacant. I couldn't find our dog anywhere. Not sucking in cool air on any of her favorite air vents. Not curled up in a cozy ball beside our bed in the corner of our main floor bedroom. Not laying outside her doggy door on the warm weathered wood, watching squirrels frolic [...]

By |2020-08-13T08:14:45-04:00August 13th, 2020|Everyday life, God's Love, Home, Letting Go, Transition|

Leaving Our Son

Good morning... My husband and I both gave our own blessing to our youngest child as we took him to college on Saturday. At our son's request, I made him three large homemade Stromboli's to share with his three roommates on their first evening in their new apartment. My husband also gave the blessing of words, [...]

By |2020-08-11T08:06:48-04:00August 11th, 2020|Aging, Everyday life, God's Love, Letting Go, Prayer|

Back To School?

Good morning... These three annual words are more complicated this year. "Back to school" means virtual learning for many. "Back to school" for others means social distancing, mask-wearing, quarantining when exposed to COVID-19. "Back to school" for our family means the end of an era. Today, we will pack up two cars, drive seventy-five minutes to Athens, Georgia, [...]

By |2020-08-08T03:52:25-04:00August 8th, 2020|Aging, Everyday life, Letting Go, Transition, Trust God|

When Worries Well Up

Good morning... Worries well-up naturally from our aching gut through our heavy heart to permeate our mixed-up mind. At their essence, worries are simply an invitation into prayer. Let me show you what I mean. For example, instead of incessantly worrying "How am I ever going to homeschool my kids online again this fall semester?" we pray, "God, [...]

By |2020-08-04T13:42:34-04:00August 6th, 2020|Anxiety, Everyday life, Letting Go, Prayer, Trust God|

Each Lamb Is Loved

Good morning... When I think of a lamb, I think of this sketch. I received a copy of this print after one of our four miscarriages. Instinctively I knew that the soul of the little being inside me had been scooped up and embraced by the loving care of our Lord. What do you notice about this simple [...]

By |2020-07-24T00:59:34-04:00July 25th, 2020|Death And Resurrection, Letting Go, Peace, Trust God|
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