A Place For Renewal

Good morning... I returned the tools to my master gardener friend after my husband and I shared our pruning adventure. Now we wait, we watch, we wonder, "What new growth will eventually appear?" As I shared in yesterday's blog post, The Power of Pruning, my constantly curious friend taught us about "restoration pruning." She added "Some call it [...]

By |2021-02-28T05:11:05-05:00February 28th, 2021|Grief, Healing, Organic Growth|

The Power Of Pruning

Good morning... Okay. So our front hedges have been growing way out of control, hiding the bottom half of our window and inching up toward the tippy top. We have lived in this house for about six or seven years, so the seven year itch was creeping up on our bushes. Small periodic hair cuts had become useless. [...]

By |2021-02-27T08:33:14-05:00February 27th, 2021|Everyday life, God's Timing, Organic Growth|

Let’s Show And Tell

Good morning... "God speaks through repetition," said the subject in her email following yesterday's post Living The Dream. "What is it God is telling me about seed-planting???" she asked rhetorically. "When I finished reading your words from today, this was my devotion in my bible reading plan. Love it." ****** Matthew 13:18-35 in “The Bible in One Year [...]

By |2021-01-19T04:19:59-05:00January 19th, 2021|Everyday life, God's Love, Organic Growth|

Grass Isn’t Always Greener

Good morning... "The grass isn't always greener on the other side," whispers my most recent Goodwill find. The grass isn't always greener on the other side of losing a job, releasing a loved one to heaven, facing life following an accident, an illness, physical diminishment. The grass isn't always greener on the other side when an alcoholic can't [...]

By |2020-12-17T06:52:19-05:00December 17th, 2020|God's Word, New From Old, Organic Growth|

God’s Crystal Ball

Good morning... A "crystal ball" is defined as a glass orb used by fortune-tellers and mystics in popular culture to see into the future. By extension, "looking into a crystal ball" means seeking to predict future events. Broadening the concept further, "looking into God's crystal ball" means that we see ourselves as an integral part of the glorious future God is orchestrating. [...]

By |2020-11-04T07:26:28-05:00November 4th, 2020|Everyday life, Organic Growth, Trust God|

Slow Me Down

Good morning... "The second week of our Gift from the Sea study brings to my mind a poem," she writes. "Slow Me Down, Lord" has graced my home and heart for many years and is a constant source of comfort and peace with the busyness of life." ****** SLOW ME DOWN, LORD  (by Wilfred Arlan Peterson)   Slow [...]

By |2020-09-29T00:07:56-04:00September 29th, 2020|Everyday life, Faith, God's Timing, Organic Growth, Trust God|

A Service Led By Steve

Good morning... Every August since 1995, my husband Steve has started a new school year as a chaplain at The Lovett School (minus our brief, beloved stint in New Wilmington, Pennsylvania from 2001-2003). Hands down, this August has been the most unusual, unsettling beginning of school, ever. Unable to gather all the upper school students in the chapel [...]

By |2020-08-30T02:39:49-04:00August 30th, 2020|Anxiety, Community, Organic Growth, Sabbath, Trust God|

Growing A Prayer Garden

Good morning... As communities across our globe are gathering together to pray for healing, I want to tell you a story about a growing prayer garden planted in the heart of our small town community. To do so, I pull out my phone and scroll back on a string of texts that began on Wednesday, January 22, 2020. "Hi [...]

By |2020-08-27T08:21:24-04:00August 27th, 2020|Community, God's Timing, Organic Growth, Prayer|

My Shocking Nightmare

Good morning... After writing yesterday's controversial post, A Mother's Perspective, I climbed back into bed, hoping for more sleep. That's when the wisdom of Ecclesiastes 5:3 (CEV) filled me full, integrating my mind, my body, and my soul. If you keep thinking about something, you will dream about it. If you talk too much, you will say the [...]

By |2020-06-17T05:36:10-04:00June 17th, 2020|Anxiety, God's Word, Organic Growth, Transformation, Trust God|
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