Earth Teach Me Quiet

Good morning... "I found it uncanny...after reading your devotional, this article was in the N.Y. Times..." she wrote after yesterday's post, My Prayers For The Church. "So obviously God is in tune with these thoughts and quietly teaching all of us... enjoy!" ****** Eriks Esenvalds: ‘Earth Teach Me Quiet’ Earlier this year, when singing together became just about [...]

By |2020-12-29T07:46:31-05:00December 29th, 2020|Heaven On Earth, Prayer, Silence And Solitude|

My Prayers For The Church

Good morning... "Merry Christmas," she wrote after yesterday's post, A Nifty Poem. "I love this poem. Our special retreat in Blue Ridge is like an outdoor church for me with a beautiful open field and surrounding woods. I love to take long quiet walks. I can listen to the Bobolink and his bird friends sing their songs and [...]

By |2020-12-28T04:33:10-05:00December 28th, 2020|Community, New From Old, Prayer|

Pain Is Never Wasted

Good morning... I didn't say a thing aloud, but my heart was crying out to God, shedding quiet tears, sharing the anguished lament of loved ones, hoping with all my heart, soul, and mind for the complete healing of a young woman about to undergo surgery for brain cancer. She and her young husband were separated in different [...]

By |2020-12-06T03:42:58-05:00December 6th, 2020|God's Love, Pain, Prayer|

Waiting Together

Good morning... Prayerfully seeking words of wisdom to read aloud to our Monthly Spiritual Direction group, I sensed the book from which I was to read, then I opened it to the only dog-eared page in my pristine "extra" copy. Sitting outside, bundled in jackets, blankets, and face to face connection, we pondered this powerful story. ****** Excerpt [...]

By |2020-10-31T04:08:15-04:00October 31st, 2020|Friendship, Prayer, Trust God|

Plug Into Power

Good morning... With a wild storm in the middle of the night, our internet was out, making writing our blog post impossible. Letting our dogs out, they anxiously stepped through downed debris to relieve themselves. When I turned around, the power went out. Complete black. We were unplugged from all light. I had no idea how [...]

By |2020-10-29T12:08:39-04:00October 29th, 2020|Anxiety, Prayer, Trust God|

Rest By The Light

Good morning... After re-waking in the morning, I re-read yesterday's post, Be Electrically Aware. In that moment, I lifted my energized eyes to see God's sermon sitting on the couch right in front of me. In one ordinary snapshot Gracie, our little yorkie-shitzu rescue, taught me a little bit more about prayer. Prayer is curling up by a [...]

By |2020-10-17T11:32:26-04:00October 18th, 2020|Everyday life, Light In Darkness, Prayer, Sabbath, Trust God|

Be Electrically Aware

Good morning... “Prayer, according to Brother David, is waking up to the presence of God no matter where I am or what I am doing," writes Barbara Brown Taylor, in An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith. "When I am fully alert to whatever or whoever is right in front of me; when I am electrically aware [...]

By |2020-10-17T11:05:14-04:00October 17th, 2020|Awareness, Everyday life, Prayer, True Self, Trust God|

Let’s Talk Politics

Good morning... There is a delicate pathway forward through our various sands of thought. As you can imagine, an avalanche of passionate responses were set off by yesterday's post "Who Will You Vote For?" I am choosing to share some with you anonymously, just so we can hold open the arms of our heart to receive all of [...]

By |2020-10-03T08:52:54-04:00October 2nd, 2020|Awareness, Community, Human Nature, Prayer, Trust God|

“Who Will You Vote For?”

Good morning... We wrapped up in blankets and sat in the cool autumn air beneath our back porch. Leftover stress lingered from the night before; we both had witnessed the ugly verbal street fight called a presidential debate. The leaf blowers from our neighbor's lawn guys were screaming loudly, relentlessly. It was symbolically perfect for the moment at [...]

By |2020-10-01T07:53:19-04:00October 1st, 2020|Anxiety, Discernment, Pain, Prayer, Trust God|
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