Connection Is Lost

Good morning... "Connection is lost," said the computer just as I went to send you our completed post in the early morning hours. "Connection is lost," halted, disrupted, severed us from our normal timing. Yet our computer's "Connection is lost" message provided a perfect, unexpected analogy for today's tidbits of truth. In each of our classes this week, [...]

By |2019-02-27T03:24:12-05:00February 26th, 2019|God's Plan, New From Old, Spiritual Growth, Transformation, True Self|

We Celebrate Our Aging Soul

Good morning... After journaling with God for a few early morning hours, I got up from our cozy couch to craft a new insight for our blog. Before writing to you, I opened the Henri Nouwen Society devotional thought for this day. What I planned to write was trumped by fresh wisdom being born. ****** DAILY MEDITATION | [...]

By |2019-02-23T08:37:33-05:00February 23rd, 2019|Aging, Everyday life, Gratitude, Spiritual Growth, True Self|

Be Where Your Feet Are

Good morning... "Be where your feet are," our pastor said in his sermon on Sunday. Be not in the past. Be not in the future. Be here. Be now. Be present. He admits, "This is really hard for me, to be where my feet are." I suspect we all battle the same human tendency, to obsess about the [...]

By |2019-02-20T07:08:44-05:00February 21st, 2019|Light In Darkness, Silence And Solitude, Spiritual Growth, True Self|

The Benefits Of Our Breakdown

Good morning... Our Saturday breakdown in communication really had no rhyme and no reason. I checked everything I knew to check and found no sign of why we got "Oops. This Page Could Not Be Found!" instead of our post "So It Was With Marian." In my life "no rhyme or reason" usually has God's fingerprints all over it, [...]

By |2019-02-18T06:21:58-05:00February 18th, 2019|Discernment, God's Plan, Imperfection, Mystery, Spiritual Growth|

So It Was With Marian

Good morning... "The Inner Meaning of Jesus' Parables," reads the subtitle of a Christian classic published in 1970 by John A. Sanford, who was an American Jungian analyst and Episcopal priest. I am an "inner meaning" girl. I love Jesus. I find his parables fascinatingly fun to ponder, so I am intrigued by Sanford's work exploring "the inner [...]

By |2019-02-17T05:46:41-05:00February 16th, 2019|Depression, Pain, Spiritual Growth, Transformation, True Self|

When Our Bough Breaks

Good morning... I am drawn back between the covers of an inspiring book I taught in our living room a few years back. ****** Excerpt from Brene Brown's The Gifts Of Imperfection People call what happens at midlife "a crisis," but it's not. It's an unraveling - a time when you feel a desperate pull to live the [...]

By |2019-02-13T18:49:43-05:00February 15th, 2019|New From Old, Pain, Spiritual Growth, True Self|

Can A Fish Climb A Tree?

Good morning... "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid," says the Albert Einstein quote at the bottom of my friend's email. Thought-provoking. Right? The unique fractal of God implanted in us is our genius, our soul, our [...]

By |2019-02-13T05:54:20-05:00February 13th, 2019|God's Plan, God's Timing, Spiritual Growth, Transformation, True Self|

Quietly Unraveling More

Good morning... In the early morning darkness, I quietly unravel more. My soul skips back to that verb from yesterday's post. "Unravel" piques my interest, so I google her definition on to disentangle her many facets. clear up resolve disclose explain sort out unriddle To separate or disentangle the threads of (a woven or knitted fabric, a [...]

By |2019-02-13T14:02:44-05:00February 12th, 2019|Discernment, God's Plan, Mystery, Prayer, Spiritual Growth|

Naked Trees Remind

Good morning... Driving around Atlanta each and every February, my spirit cringes at the sight of crape myrtles cut back, harshly pruned, large limbs severed to their trunk. Pricked by their visual barrenness, I remember the long, hard season when the life of my dreams was severed, pruned, cut back to my very Core. Every year at this [...]

By |2019-02-07T07:26:36-05:00February 7th, 2019|Abundance, Pain, Spiritual Growth, Tree|

Living Through Loneliness

Good morning... I enjoy the mornings when God lets me sleep past 5:00 am. That is the time Henri Nouwen Society sends out their Daily Meditation. Sometimes I open the post and wallow in the wisdom. Sometimes I do not. Today I did and here is what I read. ****** Loneliness by Henri Nouwen, February 6, 2019 It [...]

By |2019-02-06T19:55:27-05:00February 6th, 2019|Human Nature, Pain, Spiritual Growth, Transformation|
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