Change Your Mind

Good morning... "Unlimited Possibilities" is the phrase that filled my mind as I woke yesterday. Where was "Unlimited Possibilities" hiding? Might I have written those two words in my Awake To Wellness notes? I comb through the scribblings in my retreat journal, and, sure enough, I find "Unlimited Possibilities." What was Dr. Cathy Snapp teaching us when I jotted [...]

By |2018-03-25T16:52:22-04:00March 26th, 2018|Community, Everyday life, God's Plan, Transformation|

This Is Who We Are

Good morning... "Contemplation is taking a long, loving look at something," softly said pianist Dana Cunningham during yesterday's Awake To Wellness Women's Retreat. This morning, I take a long, loving look at two stick figure people juxtaposed on my page of notes, a drawing etched as author Dr. Cathy Snapp joyfully taught. The skeleton stick figure on the left [...]

By |2018-03-24T07:48:46-04:00March 24th, 2018|Anxiety, Everyday life, Transformation, True Self|

From Good To Better To Best

Good morning... "Nothing on our spiritual journey is ever final," says Betty Skinner on page 83 of my old, tattered copy of The Hidden Life. "It is a continuous change and movement from what is good (the place where most of us live, desiring to love and serve God) to what is better (an open and intense desire to [...]

By |2018-03-20T09:51:15-04:00March 22nd, 2018|Depression, Transformation, True Self, Trust God|

God Transforms Us Inside Out

Good morning... Resolutions. Some make them. Few keep them. Why, by now, have many good intentions waned? Because the focus of most resolutions is on our own external efforts. We promise to do more or less. We strive to look better, feel better, act better. At the beginning of each year, many of us commit again to perfecting our [...]

By |2018-01-13T05:38:07-05:00January 12th, 2018|God's Plan, Jesus Christ, Organic Growth, Transformation, Trust God|

From “I Want” To “You Want”

Good morning... After yesterday's post, I pondered all day, "What is my 'one thing'?" What is the 'one thing' I cling to that shrinks heavens treasures while I walk this earth? My fear of pain. My love of comfort. My desire to get what I want when I want it. "LORD, is there really only 'one thing' I lack?" [...]

By |2018-06-15T20:58:12-04:00January 2nd, 2018|Letting Go, Transformation, Trust God|

My Deep Prayer For Us

Good morning… I accidentally ran into a Bible verse I have never before met. This blessing is tucked away in Jude, the easily-missed, two-page book of the Bible appearing just before Revelation. This sentence sums up my deep prayer for each of us, as we tiptoe slowly into a brand new year. May mercy and peace and love be [...]

By |2018-01-02T23:55:18-05:00January 2nd, 2018|God's Love, God's Plan, Transformation, Trust God|

One Life-Altering Prayer

Good morning... As we walk away from what has been and step toward what will be, she sent me a beautiful prayer written by Leighton Ford, a mentor for emerging Christian leaders from across the globe. ****** Lord, give me I pray: A remembering heart for the things that have happened An attentive heart to what I have learned [...]

By |2018-01-01T03:52:42-05:00January 1st, 2018|God's Plan, God's Timing, Prayer, Transformation|

God’s Crazy Love

Good morning... In our final Listening Group of the semester, I intended to unwrap Chapter 3, but by "mistake" I read aloud excerpts from Chapter 4, a chapter entitled "God's Compassion for the Rebellious." I shared aloud these introductory words before we slowly read, reread, and reflected on the parable of the prodigal son found in Luke 15:11-24. "You [...]

By |2017-12-17T09:14:15-05:00December 15th, 2017|God's Love, God's Plan, Transformation, True Self|

God’s Bud Is Bursting

Good morning... The image filling my mind has three parts: a single red rose bud in a simple vase, a clean kitchen counter, and an under cabinet beam of accent light. Today I wake late following an annual Christmas gathering with the vision of a rose resting on the counter, basking in warmth of cozy kitchen light. As I [...]

By |2017-12-10T08:22:58-05:00December 10th, 2017|God's Love, Transformation|
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