Empowered By A Q-Tip

Good morning... Last week, I went to a women's luncheon at a nearby church. A friend of mine was the main speaker, and I was excited to support her and to hear her talk. As we filed into the exquisitely decorated space, a group of us found our table. I began to sit down at a seat, until I [...]

By |2018-06-17T21:18:44-04:00May 10th, 2016|Everyday life, Letting Go, True Self|

Unwrapping The Mask

Good morning... In art class, our eleven-year-old made a telling clay mask. Taped-tight beneath layers of newsprint, she secretly hid it in the garage. Spring cleaning several weeks later, I found the package lying amid odd-and-ends. Still wrapped. Still unexposed. Still hidden. Picking it up, I was surprised by its thick heaviness. “Honey, this has your name on it. [...]

By |2018-06-14T14:39:22-04:00May 1st, 2008|Authenticity, Friendship, True Self|

I Am NOT So That I Am

Good morning... If I were a neat freak, I wouldn’t be a writer. If I needed eight hours of sleep every night, I wouldn’t be a writer. If I loved to read, filling my time and my head with words written by others, I wouldn’t be a writer. God made me a messy insomniac, with dyslexic tendencies, so that [...]

By |2018-06-14T14:44:01-04:00May 15th, 2003|Authenticity, Spiritual Gifts, True Self, Trust God|
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