Savor Every Shade

Good morning... As summer slowly turns toward fall this sacred Sabbath morn, please savor with me a 360-degree look at the powerful shades of God. The God of gods, the mighty Lord himself, has spoken! He shouts out over all the people of the earth in every brilliant sunrise and every beautiful sunset, saying, “Listen to me!” (Psalm 50:1, TPT). ...Sue... [...]

By |2021-09-11T07:38:22-04:00September 12th, 2021|Abundance, Light In Darkness, Trust God|

Remembering Bill

Good morning... I wake on the morning of Bill's memorial service, praying over the words gracing his obituary, lifting up into the LORD's healing light his dear wife and their two unique kids, his extended family and his many, many friends. Next Monday Bill would have been sixty-two years old, had his life not ended suddenly on September [...]

By |2021-09-09T08:51:45-04:00September 9th, 2021|Death And Resurrection, Grief, Trust God|

Two Rainbows And A Baby

Good morning... "This week the shooting that took place at the high school in Winston Salem is literally right behind our home," she texted me. "It was so scary and sad. We had to lock down our neighborhood as the shooter was on the loose. Two boys from down the street were in school and I was so [...]

By |2021-09-07T10:16:59-04:00September 7th, 2021|Family and Friends, God's Timing, Trust God|

We Celebrate Together

Good morning... "This popped up again on my Facebook feed to make us smiley today," she texted. "It's my home town, Bham." This energizing music video reminds me of the first verses of Psalm 150, which sound like this in the VOICE translation. Praise the Eternal! Praise the True God inside His temple. Praise Him beneath massive skies, [...]

By |2021-09-04T11:36:39-04:00September 5th, 2021|Community, Gratitude, Trust God|

Experiencing Eerie Extremes

Good morning... Deep prayer is MINE to do, so with God I experienced yesterday's eerie extremes. "I don't watch the news often," I wrote in my 99-cent, black leather journal brought home from Goodwill, "but I feel drawn to do so today, this unique day of death and debris." Enveloped in the eerie silence, I watched the Dignified [...]

By |2021-08-30T18:28:56-04:00August 30th, 2021|Death And Resurrection, Prayer, Trust God|

Amid High Winds And Hard Rains

Good morning... Waking on this Sabbath morn, my muddied heart sits still amid high winds and hard rains of various kinds. Though I am safely up the coast, I feel a prayerful solidarity with those hunkered down in the path of Hurricane Ida. I am praying, minute by minute, for the daughter of a dear friend who finally [...]

By |2021-08-30T18:30:16-04:00August 29th, 2021|Community, Prayer, Trust God|

I Can’t Take It Anymore

Good morning... A really wise friend who I admire profusely sent me a very honest article. "Great message today Sue!" she emailed me after yesterday's blog post After A Stormy Day. "Saw this last night - similar idea." I felt relieved, hopeful and energized after reading the following words. ****** If you can't take in anymore, there's a [...]

By |2021-08-28T06:50:52-04:00August 28th, 2021|Anxiety, Everyday life, Trust God|

After A Stormy Day

Good morning... Yesterday was a stormy day for many of us. Chaos, injury, and death in Afghanistan. COVID patients crowding our hospital beds. The ugly affects of gun violence and suicide bombers, Alzheimers and ALS, cancer and rare diseases ravaging the lives of people we love. Yesterday was a really hard, stormy day for many of us. Somehow [...]

By |2021-08-27T05:09:03-04:00August 27th, 2021|Anxiety, Everyday life, Trust God|

Are You A Helper Or A Witness?

Good morning... When I returned from speaking at the Lovett Moms In Prayer kick-off yesterday morning, I came home pondering, "God, what were You really trying to say through me?" As I prayerfully processed a smattering of thoughts, I deepened down into the roots beneath the talk I had just given to a room full of hopeful moms [...]

By |2021-08-24T09:19:46-04:00August 24th, 2021|Everyday life, Spiritual Growth, Trust God|
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