Good morning…
It was not a normal Wednesday afternoon. We moved our arts and crafts activities into the portable classroom so the PAWkids staff could set up for the special gathering outside. We learned all about last week’s Homecoming dance. We helped kids make Halloween bracelets with a pumpkin charm. We allowed each child to create their own pieces of art with paper and markers, stencils and stickers. The joy was palpable and the life-giving energy high.

When our time of creating came to a close, we all gathered with a large community of friends and family to honor the memory of Hailey Harris, the vibrant seven year old who died last week in A Deadly House Fire. I thought to myself, “Hailey looks just like these cute kids we’ve been enjoying all afternoon.”

Previous alumni from the PAWkids program returned, young ones who will age into the opportunity were on hand, and our PAWkids Prayer Partners joined in the celebration of this sacred short life.

We each received one of the assorted balloons. We listened to the pastor talk about Hailey before a respected leader in the community said a tender prayer. When the moment was right, we all released our balloons, filling the air with loving thoughts and prayers.

When I scroll back through this blog post, the word which stands out to me is “we”. “We” embody the kingdom of heaven on earth as together “we” celebrate the intermingling of great joy and deep sadness.
Through faith you are kept safe by God’s power… Because you know all this, you have great joy. You have joy even though you may have had to suffer for a little while. You may have had to suffer sadness in all kinds of trouble (1 Peter 1:5-6, NIRV).
P.S. If the Spirit nudges you to join us at PAWkids, please sign up at the link below.