Good morning…
On Friday morning, I received the above text. A beloved member of our church family went to heaven last week. Kind. Generous. Incredibly beautiful, inside and out. This photo on my phone captures well the spirited Junie Parker I will always remember.
Her obituary begins: “Natalae Waters ‘Junie’ Parker died peacefully in her home on September 24th after a brief illness, surrounded by her family.”
At home.
Brief illness.
Surrounded by family.
If I could choose my own pathway to heaven, these words would paint my picture.
After teaching class in our home from 10:00 to 11:30 am, I will slip up into the balcony to enjoy the end of Junie’s 11:00 am service at Northside Church. Afterwards, I will stay to enjoy quality time with family and friends at her reception. Though the timing of my commitments overlap this morning, I am living by one kind sentence we believe as a family: “When in doubt, go to the funeral.”
I felt my heart become hot inside me
as I thought on these things; a fire ignited and burned.
Then I said,
“Eternal One, let me understand my end
and how brief my earthly existence is;
help me realize my life is fleeting.
You have determined the length of my days,
and my life is nothing compared to You.
Even the longest life is only a breath” (Psalm 39:3-5, VOICE).