
Good morning…

“Sarah Patterson French of Atlanta, Georgia was a devoted mother, dependable friend, and loving wife,” begins her obituary. Surrounded by her family who loved her dearly, she passed away on October 23, 2022, at the age of 50, following a short but valiant fight against cancer.”

“Sarah’s primary and most loved role was mother to her beautiful and accomplished children, Colin & Virginia,” the tribute says later. “She was devoted to their education both academically & spiritually for nearly 21 years. Her courageous fight against cancer was born from her desire to live to see her children mature into adults, graduate from college and experience the joy of being a grandmother.”

Sarah’s twins, Colin and Virginia, were in our youngest son’s graduating class at The Lovett School. What a life-giving presence she will continue to provide for her tight knit family and so many in our community. It is just hard to imagine a future without Sarah on earth. A memorial service will be held at 2:00 PM today at Trinity Presbyterian Church of Atlanta.

In these early morning hours of prayer for Sarah’s grieving family and friends, I return to the powerful words brought to life at many a memorial.

Cancer is so limited…

It cannot cripple love.

It cannot shatter hope.

It cannot corrode faith.

It cannot eat away peace.

It cannot destroy confidence.

It cannot kill friendship.

It cannot shut out memories.

It cannot quench the spirit.

It cannot silence courage.

It cannot reduce eternal life.

– Deb Fetter

I pray that love, hope, faith, peace, confidence, friendship, memories, spirit, courage, and eternal life somehow find a way to root, blossom, and expand in the heart of this amazing family for generations to come. May all who are deeply missing Sarah today live into God’s enduring promise expressed in Psalm 23:6. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Envisioning Sarah and her loved ones dwelling together forever with God provides a beacon of hope on this dark, dreary day.
