Good morning…
Arriving from different places, at different times, embodying different life stages, our group of twelve made it to Sarria, Spain. At our kick-off dinner, we were both wildly excited and completely exhausted from crowded travel and a six hour time change.

For about eight hours we flew with the full moon as it changed places with the rising sun. Leaving behind our desks, our turmoils, our overwhelmed private side, we lived into the wisdom of Judy Brown’s poem, The Walk.

With hearts and minds filled with prayer requests and well-wishes from home, we will leave at 7:00 am for our first day of our week long Camino walk. As we prepare to walk five, maybe six, eight, maybe ten hours today, I pray that God will somehow untangle our knots and continue to heal the pain pulsing through our world. Giving God ample time to transform us, might we fall into bed, trusting more deeply? “All is well”
When he was alone with his disciples, he went over everything, sorting out the tangles, untying the knots (Mark 4:34, MSG).