Good morning…
Yesterday’s post ended with this Scripture verse: O Eternal One, through the night, I stop to recall Your name. That’s how I live according to Your teachings (Psalm 119:55, VOICE). A few hours later, as I taught class in our home, I was drawn to read out loud one page from a devotional book I wrote in 2011, Touching Truth: Grasping the Grace of God.
Now, as I interact with the Eternal One through this night, I revisit just a few of the Hebrew names for God.

We introduced ourselves by sharing the names of God which resonate most deeply.
“The LORD is my shepherd.”
“The God who sees.”
“The LORD is there.”
“The LORD is peace.”
“The LORD will provide.”
“Alpha and Omega – Beginning and End.”
As the Spirit of the living LORD sparked our thoughts and filled the room, we read aloud from the Preface of our book, Choose Joy by Kay Warren. “Your primary task in life is to get to know God intimately and to send your spiritual roots deep into the soil of his love; to develop convictions and certainties about him that will become your source of your strength when happiness isn’t enough.” (12)
If we look at the circumstances of our precarious world, our hearts break, shake, and crumble. With the Almighty God as our single focus, we send our spiritual roots deep into his everlasting love. The Lord reigns, he is robed in majesty; the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure. Your throne was established long ago; you are from all eternity (Psalm 93:1-2, NIV).
Might we all whisper to our God right now? “Daddy, I want to get to know you intimately. I send my spiritual roots deep into the soil of you, the LORD who is there, who sees, who is peace, who will provide. I am developing certainty about you, my Shepherd. Please guide me from beginning to end.”
Our class read into the first chapter to learn: “Joy is the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be all right, and the determined choice to praise God in all things.” (27)
Developing intimate certainty over time, may settled joy grow roots in us, firm and secure.