Good morning…
After the quirky video in yesterday’s post, she wrote, “It’s true that I miss God in the room all the time!” Her statement morphed into my prayer, “God, please help me not to miss You in the room today.”
With my eyes keenly focused on noticing, I saw God walking right through the middle of everything.
- In the early morning phone call with my dad in Ohio, who shared of my mom’s positive post-surgery progress. There is God.
- In the soulful conversation with four longtime colleagues, one whom shared a poem with God’s fingerprints all over it, a poem entitled In Search of our Kneeling Places.
- In my natural, nurturing “goodbye” shared with a group I have met with monthly since 2017. Ending well opens space for fresh new growth. There is God.
- In packing full my husband’s SUV with a plethora of gifts freely donated by generous people for yesterday’s Secret Santa Shop at PAWkids.

- In experiencing the joy of creating Christmas art and helping the kids pick out and wrap up three choice gifts for three of their loved ones.
- In noticing his “I’m really sorry,” when he rushed through and ruined. There is God.
- In siblings excitedly choosing gifts for one another.
- In the laughter, the smiles, and the tenderness woven through the bond between the kids, the staff, and the volunteers. There is God.

- In the abundant joy continuing as we packed up and donated the leftover gifts for the PAWkids staff to make and take Christmas bags to the senior citizens living in the Grove Park community. There is God.
God walks right through the middle of our everyday lives. Will we let my friend’s statement morph into our prayer?
help me
not to miss You
in the room
There is no doubt in my mind that the Eternal One is in this place—and I didn’t even know it! (Genesis 28:16b, VOICE).
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