Good morning…
Her blog post was sobering, surrendering, soul-touching. Sifting through a pile of powerful words, she unleashed life-giving song lyrics, “Don’t waste today being scared of tomorrow.”
Excerpt from Elizabeth’s PostHope blog post, February 1, 2024
Too much heaviness.
Too much weight.
Too much pain.
Too much fear.
Too much wondering.
Too much waiting.
Too much worry.
Too much dark.
Too much cancer.
Too much chemo.
Too many needles.
Too many pokes.
Too many scars.
Too many scans.
Too many appointments.
Too many questions.
Too many medications.
Too many side effects.
Too many bathroom trips.
Too many restless nights.
Too many tears.
Too many uncertainties.
But what if I consider the God of the universe, who flung the planets into orbit? The one who sent His son to carry all of the “too manys and too muchs.” (Bad grammar here, I know. Stick with me.) Our sin was too much, but He bore it. He suffered on our behalf to bring hope and forgiveness to this broken world. Things here aren’t as they should be. Life here often can feel like too much. But He is enough.
Enough love.
Enough hope.
Enough goodness.
Enough sovereignty.
Enough light.
Enough mercy.
Enough rest.
Enough provision.
Enough presence.
Enough power.
God’s gift of grace was more than enough for the whole world (Romans 5:15b, NIRV).
Elizabeth concluded her message with a song I had never heard before, sung by the melodic voice of Jess Ray. Might we embody this piercing line?
“Don’t waste today being scared of tomorrow.”
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