
Good morning…

Saturated by the mayhem of May, I received a convicting email from a friend.

She wrote, “Here is a small section of something I read today: ‘When one gallon of water is spread to its thinnest molecules, it can cover an area of nearly five square miles. It would be difficult to see, and beyond that it would be ineffectual for any real purposes. However, if the molecules of that same gallon of water were stacked end to end, it would form a straw that would reach all the way to the center of the earth. The same gallon has the ability to be spread thin, but it is also capable of reaching extreme depths.'”

Deepening down she concluded: “This left me wondering, am I being poured wide, or drilled deep? Am I scattered too far to be effective?”

Exhausted and overextended, might we wonder with God the very same questions?

This is what the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, says: “If you come back to me and trust me, you will be saved. If you will be calm and trust me, you will be strong.” But you don’t want to do that (Isaiah 30:15, ICB).

Feeling stretched by the mayhem of May, poured wide and scattered far, might we consider drilling deep down to sip through our straw God’s loving Spirit living at our core?
