
Good morning…

The healing power of the rippling river is our only hope.

When flow from the heights is bullied and blocked, stifling sediment collects. Over years this happens between us. Division builds up. Loving expression slows down. Dry. Hard. Unmoving. Exposed is an ugly rock bed, separating “us” from “them.” Within arms length, each side has stones to throw. Most weapons have chipped off during periods of upheaval. Some bigger boulders have been dislodged during catastrophic events. These polarizing moments will never be forgotten. Can they ever be forgiven?

Stockpiling our fears, we battle a natural human urge to pelt “the other” with pain, widening our divide. Feeling wounded, we wound. Craving safety, we distance. Digging in, we retreat to our own self-protective side. Yet down deep, none of us enjoys being polarized and parched, disconnected and damaged. The renewal of real refreshment would do our souls such good. We each yearn for it, I think. I know I do. We pray diligently, repeatedly, “LORD, please make genuine love spring up between us.”

Our feeble attempts at manhandling matters surrender us all to the very same truth: only the God between us can make enduring love bubble up and bloom. By the river on its bank, on one side and on the other, will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither and their fruit will not fail. They shall bear every month because their water flows from the sanctuary, and their fruit will be for food and their leaves for healing (Ezekiel 47:12, AMP).

Slowly, silently saturating one side and the other, “LORD, well up from the center of Your sanctuary to feed the fruit of healing.”
