Good morning…
Up in the middle of the night, I read the Post Hope blog message crafted by Elizabeth, the daughter-in-law of my longtime soul friend. Elizabeth has been invited to share her story at a gala for the American Cancer Society tonight. Prayers go out to her, her friends and her family as they attend this long awaited evening. As she faces the highs and lows of nurturing her young family while battling advanced colon cancer, Elizabeth shares the title of a bittersweet song, “The Good Stuff” by Kenny Chesney.
While being honest about her fears, her pain, and her weight loss, Elizabeth’s beautiful writing regularly focuses on the good stuff she is noticing along her journey with cancer. An encouraging book called Breath as Prayer by Jennifer Tucker. Relaxing into a middle of the night hug with her incredible husband. Gratitude for all the medical professionals who are helping along this difficult way. Snuggling on the couch beside a sleeping 4-year-old. Caring for the kids as they battle the flu bug. The beautiful sunshine of this one-of-a-kind week. Savoring a new song by Ellie Holcomb. A walk, an outdoor visit, a birthday celebration with dear friends. As she writes, Elizabeth lifts a prayer, “Praying my heart can be more open to seeing the good stuff in the midst of the heavy and hard.”
Might you and I follow Elizabeth’s lead, beginning each day with the same hopeful prayer?
“Dear God,
please help me
to enjoy the good stuff
amid life’s heavy and hard.”
This is the kind of life you’ve been invited into, the kind of life Christ lived. He suffered everything that came his way so you would know that it could be done, and also know how to do it, step-by-step (1 Peter 2:21, MSG). We are invited to live, step-by-step, in oneness with the powerful Spirit of our living Lord. Night and day. Day and night.
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