Good morning…
A friend shared a simple quote: “No one is grateful for what they expect.” I think about her statement and humbly disagree.
I am grateful to rest in the groggy phase each day, between being fully asleep and consciously awake.
I am grateful to sip and savor freshly brewed coffee, morning after morning after morning after morning.
I am grateful for the way our little dog Gracie tries to lick my bare toes when I walk by first thing every morning.
I am grateful that the bright sun always casts shadows. I am grateful that light regularly breaks through the clouds. I am grateful that the shape of the moon changes slightly each night.

I am grateful for how the Q-tip tickles each ear as it searches for moisture after my bath.
I am grateful for a good conversation with my husband as we debrief from our day.
I am grateful that God nudges me awake in the middle of night, inviting me to sit, to ponder, to write.
Now, how about you? What do you expect to be grateful for today?
May this be said of us. They walk in a spirit of celebration and gratefulness (Psalm 45:15a, VOICE).