Good morning…
Wow. Jet lag is a real thing. I just flew back two days ago from an amazing five day trip to California. I can attest, jet lag is a real thing.
Uncharacteristic of me, the last two nights I’ve stayed up way past midnight, binge-watching my happy recordings of this season of American Idol. (Fortunately, Steve is away with Lovett students in Greece, tracking the travels of Paul). This is the second morning I feel groggy, eyelids heavy, wicked tired as I wake late from a full night sleep. Hence, no blog post yesterday and one coming out very late today.
I guess my experience of jet lag is a God-given gift, helping me to slow down, to rest more, and to be keenly aware that we are ending another school year before tipping into the start of June. This odd, sleepy feeling helps to remind me to remind you that I will continue to blog most days in the summer, since the summer months also have issues to process and fractals of wisdom to learn and discern. But never I feel obligated to write daily. Obligation changes an experience, and listening intently to God in the dark morning hours is an honor, a privilege, a life-giving gift, first to me and then to you. When the Spirit nudges individuals, I receive a gracious Gratitude Gift every now and then to help cover my expenses as a daily blogger, but I do not get paid financially for the two to three hours I invest writing to you each day. The Holy Spirit is my boss, and sometimes I will be given a random morning off, especially as my work schedule slows down and our summer travels pick up.
So, please don’t be alarmed if I miss a day or two of writing each week. We will connect as the Spirit moves. We do well to remember, our blog tracks the movement of God in our ordinary lives. Prophecy has never been a product of human initiative, but it comes when men and women are moved to speak on behalf of God by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21, VOICE).
I chuckle now as I pick up my cell phone to add a fun photo to our blog. I notice a text from my dear dad in Ohio. “Good morning, Susie,” he wrote. “Are you still on West coast time? We didn’t receive your blog today or yesterday. Love, Dad.”
At least one very important reader is also noticing the effects of my jet lag!