Good morning…
“I don’t know if you’re online with Kate Bowler’s messages, so I wanted to pass this along to you,” wrote my dear friend.

“I saw it a few weeks ago and I thought it was so poignant, especially for those of us who are struggling with very difficult situations,” my friend continued. “I loved your recent writing….“In the Middle of this Mess.” Seeing my words in your message was therapeutic for me….I’m hoping they may be able to help others who are struggling. There are so many swirling thoughts around hard and messy life events.”
Yes, there are so many swirling thoughts around hard and messy life events. My friend’s words and Kate Bowler’s wisdom are so very poignant, especially for those facing scary scans, deep depression, aching addiction, or chronic pain today. We, as praying loved ones, are grateful to live up close, reminded of life’s frailty, life’s cruelty, and life’s beauty, as together we each face things we didn’t choose. No matter how difficult, no matter how messy, it is an immense privilege to do life with God and each other, day after day.
Even now the harvest workers are receiving their reward by gathering a harvest that brings eternal life. Then everyone who planted the seed and everyone who harvests the crop will celebrate together (John 4:36, CEV).