Good morning…

God is able to communicate with us on multiple levels every single day. After I posted yesterday’s blog in the middle of the night, “The gift of the gold finch,” I saw several of gold finches while on my 9:00 am walk with a friend to and from the horse farm. Walking round and round the familiar trail several times a week, I always see lots of blue birds, lots of cardinals, lots of robins and random birds. In those quiet, green pastures, never before yesterday had I seen a gold finch.

I know that the gorgeous birds we saw yesterday were gold finches, because later in the morning another friend sent me pictures of the bright yellow birds with shiny black wings perched outside her kitchen window. Sitting on her feeder. A few feet away.

What again is the message God whispers with these pretty gold birds?

Exuberance. Liveliness. Enthusiasm in your current world. Remember: enjoy life, savor each moment, celebrate who you are. Life is for living. Do not waste your moments in fear, in hatred, in anger. Wasted moments are forever lost. Find joy right now.

Then yesterday afternoon, I received another email from a friend in our “sue2you” community: “Your message is so timely! God knew that I needed to hear these exact words of wisdom today. My husband told me that I am full of anger and hatred and that my negativity is killing our joy. Then I read your post. Wow! I am praying that God will break me out of this downward spiral. Thank you for your obedience to God in sending these inspiring nuggets of His truth!”

I wrote her back, right away: “I am grateful the LORD hand wrote today’s gold finch message for you. Take in God’s words of wisdom and allow them to tenderize you. I am praying for your heart to feel fully the expansive love God feels for you. When we pour at His feet our honest emotions, God’s limitless love swallows up our fears, our anger, and our hatred, granting us moments of genuine joy.”

Those the Lord has rescued will return…
everlasting joy will crown their heads.
Gladness and joy will overtake them,
and sorrow and sighing will flee away, Isaiah 51:11 (NIV),
