
Good morning…

This week in our therapeutic community group at PAWkids, we were encouraged to pick a handful of cards, cards that somehow share our story. The five cards above are the cards I felt drawn to choose, arranging them just so.

Take a moment. Really look. Now let’s feel our way forward, down and out.

Pondering the cards horizontally, from left to right, I see myself. When I feel like this frantic, well-quaffed young woman, I have grown six busy arms and am using all of my toes to write, to clean, to water, to vacuum, to scrub, to talk on the phone, to balance food and drink. In my multitasking mania, I tend to shut out the people and the pets who need my calm, loving care.

Something’s got to give. I miss a meeting. I exhaust myself. I drop a ball, imperfect as the Cat in the Hat, and all of my emotions come tumbling down. All of me spirals down. I am drawn into my central card.

I choose to curl up on the couch to process myself. Beside the light of the lamp, with a cup of tea, (and I would add a cozy blanket if I could) I spend quiet, quality time with God. Writing. Reading. Learning. Looking down and centering in, I interact with the Spirit. Being still. Prayerfully still. Gaining wisdom from deep within. When the time is right, I choose to move to the next card.

Soup. Cookies. Homemade pie. Flowers. Tea kettle. Birds at the feeder. Nursing kittens. A hand braided rug. A flowering towel. Hearts and fruit and love galore. “Bless this home,” hangs on the wall just as a smile hangs on my aging face. Concocted in our kitchen, I share one-of-a-kind gifts with the hungry world.

Now pondering the cards vertically, from top to bottom, I sense the lantern light of the LORD illuminating the next blind bend on this rocky path. Surrounded by the starry night, I will walk forward in step with the glow of God. Wherever I go, God possesses all the light I need. Now I drop down to my centering card again.

I choose to curl up on the couch to process myself. Beside the light of the lamp, with a cup of tea, (and I would add a cozy blanket if I could) I spend quiet, quality time with God. Writing. Reading. Learning. Looking down and centering in, I interact with the Spirit. Being still. Prayerfully still. Gaining wisdom from deep within. When the time is right, I choose to move to the next card.

I climb down, further, further, further, into the hidden cave of my innermost being. Carrying my single lit candle, I discover the treasures of darkness, riches hid in my deep down place. I unlock our truth. The golden glow of God is an endless supply. Secreted in our darkest depths, God’s golden glow is a bottomless treasure chest.

In the middle of this wet, dark night, I choose to curl up on the couch to process myself.

I will give you hidden treasures and wealth tucked away in secret places; I will reveal them to you. Then you will know that I am the Eternal, the God of Israel, who calls you by name (Isaiah 45:3, VOICE).

In what ways to you personally relate to feeling down and out? What is God revealing to you?


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