Good morning…
On a last minute walk yesterday, a friend shared with me the quote above.
“God will take you where
you hadn’t intended to go
in order to
produce in you
what you could not
achieve on your own.
It’s uncomfortable,
but it’s grace.”
A few minutes later, we noticed a spider dangling precariously close to the path of oncoming traffic. Here was certainly a place where this vulnerable little guy had not intended to go. Instinctively, my tenderhearted friend found a stick, reached out, and carried the creature to safety. This was a feat the spider could not achieve on it’s own. It was a simple act of grace, completely unmerited care.

In what precarious place might you find yourself today? Messy emotions. Hard conversations. Grieving the loss of what you hoped would be.
It’s uncomfortable to dangle, out on a limb. It’s uncomfortable for our vulnerability to surface in unpredictable ways. It’s uncomfortable to be dependent upon the grace of God to reach in close, to lovingly care, to scoop us up to safety.
For out of His fullness [the superabundance of His grace and truth] we have all received grace upon grace [spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing, favor upon favor, and gift heaped upon gift] (John 1:16, AMP).
As I parted ways with my friend and walked our dog back home, I noticed random tracks leaving their mark on the sunny, blue sky.
Now on this day of giving thanks, might each uncomfortable place of God’s superabundant grace leave within us a memorable mark? We can learn to quietly keep track, “Here and here and here, God showed up for me today.”

Grace upon grace.
Blessing upon blessing.
Favor upon favor.
Gift heaped upon gift.
When we feel uncomfortable today, might we sense the grace of God reaching out to care?