
Good morning…

A few Fridays back, we gathered to mark the end of another magnificent semester of learning with God. Several of us met in person and the rest of us were bonded in Spirit from afar. All of us recognized, “There is so much to celebrate from this spring season together.”

To that end, we decided to make Soul Collage Cards together. We spread out random pictures from magazines (people, places, and things), got scissors and glue sticks, and, sharing thoughts that came to mind in a calm, relaxing atmosphere, we each created cards with images that spoke to our souls.


Over a delicious lunch, we each shared the meaning of the cards we had created. When I got home, I spent more time with my two cards, unpacking their meaning further. Answering a centering question, I allowed my soul to express, “I am one who…” I wrote the following thoughts on the back of my cards.


On my first card I wrote: “I am one who…builds a nest and wisely rests amid the loud chaos of metamorphosis.” Then researching the meaning of the eagle depicted, I jotted down these notes. “These distinctive eagles with white heads, breasts, under-wing coverlets, and tails are also known as white-bellied sea eagles. White-bellied sea eagles are dark gray on top and can be scene along coastlines. Eagles represent expansion, strength, a higher perspective, loyalty, victory, foresight, vision, and manifestation. Their dominant element of air draws your attention to mental pursuits, inspiration, dreams, and spiritual aspirations. They can show up when you have your sights set on a goal, aspiration, or challenge.” (5/12/23)

On my second card I wrote: “I am one who…remains connected and at rest while God blows our seeds in unknown new directions. The vision of Steve’s ministry and mine grow out of our ‘happy hour’ conversations with God. Honesty. Integrity. Joy and freedom. These qualities will draw us to open spaces as the winding path of life invites us forward. At every crossroads, we will know God’s evolving way for us.” Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21, NIV).

Amid the colorful, organically growing chaos of life, we are drawn into wide open spaces with God. Resting in a place of quiet connection, we will hear a voice whispering, “This is the way, walk in it.”

As I prepare to host a Soul Collage birthday party for another friend tomorrow, I am delighted that this form of creative expression is developing deep roots and producing fun fruits. Expansion. Strength. A higher perspective. God’s vision for us is being manifest. Honesty. Integrity. Joy and freedom. These qualities welcome us into a sense of spaciousness with God, as the winding path of life invites us forward. At every crossroads, we will discern God’s evolving way. Our attentive ears will hear: This is the way, walk in it.


P.S. Come fall, we will offer a monthly Soul Collage gathering at the church. For those in the Atlanta area, stay tuned for the details of this life-giving opportunity!