
Good morning…

“I shared this on Facebook on Wednesday,” emailed a longtime friend.


For those facing loss today . . LOVE CAME FIRST

“You don’t move on after loss, but you must move with. You must shake hands with grief, welcome her in, for she lives with you now. Pull her a chair at the table and offer her comfort. She is not the monster you first thought her to be. She is love. And she will walk with you now, stay with you now, peacefully. If you let her.

And on the days when your anger is high, remember why she came, remember who she represents. Remember. Grief came to you my friend because love came first. Love came first… ”

– Donna Ashworth
For anyone struggling today
From Wild Hope


This Bible verse comes to me now. We love because God loved us first (1 John 4:19, CEV). It stands to reason then, we grieve because first we loved. Grief, the deep and poignant suffering caused by bereavement, is a natural response to loving then losing.

Grief came to you, my friend, because love came first. The expansive love of God grew first. The deeper our love, the more intense our grief. Move with it. Shake hands with grief. Welcome her in, and sit at table together. Comfort her. Walk and talk with her. Remember she is a fractal of the healing love of God.


P.S. Yesterday’s Celebration of Life Service for Elizabeth was meaningful, encouraging, inspiring. The minister concluded, “Graham is an amazing dad. He’s got this. The two biggest gifts we can give are prayers for the kids and doing acts of service in honor of Elizabeth.”

Please enjoy reading about details of her loving life here:
