Good morning…
I was thinking about all of those who have lost loved ones this holiday season. Husbands. Wives. Sons. Daughters. Siblings. Parents. Friends. One person told me, “It feels like whiplash. I was expecting a joyful Christmas, and we had a funeral instead.”
Then I opened an email that supported my prayerful pondering. “I came across this blessing in Jan Richardson’s, Sanctuary of Women,” wrote a longtime member of our Northside Church family. “It speaks for Audrey as she journeys with cancer and all of the families who have lost their homes and their businesses, their family and their friends in the LA fires, in the Asheville floods, and in the war zones around our world. May they all have a strength that only comes from God. Be blessed and safe this snowy and icy night.”
She shared with me a simple, soulful blessing.

New paths. New doorways. New worlds. Unimagined beauty from brokenness can only be made by God.
I am about to do something new. It is beginning to happen even now. Don’t you see it coming? I am going to make a way for you to go through the desert. I will make streams of water in the dry and empty land (Isaiah 43:19, NIRV).
May we all have a strength that only comes from God.