Good morning…

After yesterday’s post, I pondered all day, “What is my ‘one thing’?” What is the ‘one thing’ I cling to that shrinks heavens treasures while I walk this earth?

My fear of pain.
My love of comfort.
My desire to get what I want when I want it.

“LORD, is there really only ‘one thing’ I lack?”

As I woke this morning in my cozy bed I felt a shift in my groggy prayer.

“I want You to teach me the choice I should make.”
“I want You to invade my thoughts with Your thoughts.”
“I want You to be with this loved one who is in such pain.”

Then, it dawned on me. The ‘one thing’ I lack is the ability to give up my wants. Although I pray for good, loving things, I am still calling the shots. “Teach me. Invade me. Be with this loved one.” I constantly tell God what I want Him to do, when I want Him to do it.

My ‘one thing’ right now is to exchange my ‘I want’ for ‘You want.’

“You want all of me. I am Yours.”
“You want to be my Comforter. I rest in You.”
“You want to use me as You see fit. I surrender all.”

Jesus walked on a little way. Then he knelt with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, don’t make me suffer by having me drink from this cup. But do what you want, and not what I want” (Matthew 26:39, CEV).
