Good morning…
Somehow I sense God has a given groove set out for the day ahead. The question becomes, “Will I trudge through today as a series of “have to’s” or will I dance through the day as a sacred string of “get to’s”?
Yesterday, over the phone, I heard myself say to a friend, “Something just dawned on me. ‘Have to’s’ bring heaviness. ‘Get to’s’ bring gratitude.”
I like easy to remember things, so I liked the “h’s” chained together, heavy “have to” and the “g’s” playing together, grateful “get to”. Though uncontrollable circumstances litter our life-with-Christ, our experience of each moment is decisively different if we are living right now as a heavy “have to” versus a grateful “get to”.
This morning my son and I were unpacking yesterday’s real life revelation. My husband joined in. Our daughter joined too. At the end of a fertile hour, I caught myself saying to our coffee talking family, “I have to go write my blog.”
My astute son sensed my slip up and called me out, “You have to go write your blog?”
Great gratitude grew as I switched my whole heart to “I get to go write.”