
Good morning…

Twenty-nine years ago today, on January 6th, I gave birth to a five pound fifteen ounce little boy, three days past his due date. Look at him now. He’s faithful, he’s grounded, he’s newly married to a Spirit-filled, gentle woman. How fun it is to see a single seed of God growing up into its own uniqueness. Two years later, on January 7th, our second child arrived exactly on her due date. Turning twenty-seven tomorrow, she is kind and strong, trustworthy and compassionate.


Three years ago today, on January 6th, we saw a new thing birthed on the grounds of our country’s Capital. People have various perspectives on what happened that day, but I think we might all agree that January 6th, 2020 birthed visible pain, increasing division, chaotic violence. Whether we praise the events unfolding on that day, or we try to downplay their impact, or we passionately pine for a higher, more unifying way forward, what happened on January 6th, 2020 will go down in our history books.

Various seeds of thought were birthed in us on that winter day in Washington, D.C. Just like our growing son and daughter who enjoyed a family birthday dinner this week, seeds birthed in 2020 are continuing to mature, defining who we are today. As we expand into another election season, I am praying that the unique seed of God implanted in each one of us will grow to inform the way we live and vote in the year ahead. On this day of Epiphany 2024, may we continue to blossom together as beloved children of God, faithful and grounded, Spirit-filled and gentle, kind and strong, trustworthy and compassionate.

May the God who gives us peace make you holy in every way and keep your whole being—spirit, soul, and body—free from every fault at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you will do it, because he is faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24, GNT).



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