Good morning…
“Love that the summer blog is not recycled,” she encouraged. “I enjoy the new posts ❤️.”
She continued: “I also love how God uses all things to speak to us. Nature, His Word, the spoken words of a friend, and even a blog or an email or a perfectly timed article. This week I chose ‘kindness week’ for the theme for my new parenting Facebook group (because of an email I received on choosing kindness in the waiting room). I wanted to explain to our 12-year-old son why we were going to look for ways to be kind. So on the way to his comedy camp we were chatting about it. I shared that even the 10 Commandments are about kindness. The whole New Testament is about love – another word for kindness. Jesus came not to get rid of the 10 Commandments but to show people how to live them and that they are really about love, not following a rule. Then we went through each of the ‘Big 10’ and discussed how breaking it would be unkind. We arrived at the theater and he hopped out.”
She continued her story: “I went home to have my coffee and quiet time. I opened my Youversion One Year Bible Plan and started with the devotion by my new BFF, Nicky Gumbel. What was it about? Romans 12 and Jesus coming to fulfill the law of love. Just as our son and I had been talking about murder being the most unkind thing you could do – Nicky described as unloving not only murder, but the outward, extreme anger dividing our world. He has a whole section on the Ten Commandments that reiterated the conversation I just had en route to camp.”
Her story concluded: “When my son came home, I pulled him close and told him I wanted to show him something really cool – how God can even use the computer to speak to us. I read him the passage and he and I both sat in wonder that the Almighty God, who wrote on stone tablets so long ago and used the stars in the night sky to guide to His first followers, now has yet another way to grab the attention of His people if we will just pause and listen (or read). ❤️❤️❤️ Take Care.”
The Holy Spirit also speaks of this by telling us that the Lord said, “When the time comes, I will make an agreement with them. I will write my laws on their minds and hearts” (Hebrews 10: 15-16, CEV).
Her email arrived as we, as a nation, are drowning in the sorrow of two mass murders, murders stealing the lives of thirty-three innocent victims in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio. This very day, might the loving law of God fill our minds and saturate our hearts as we share God’s healing Spirit with our hurting world?
Please, help this be “kindness week” for each one of us, LORD.