Good morning…

When fully experienced, Scripture can be playfully powerful. This morning, we will soak in the wisdom of Psalm 51:12-15 (MSG). While we slowly read aloud each animated analogy, let’s pause, pray, and ponder. Tickling our thoughts, stirring our feelings, releasing our imagination, might the Spirit yearn to softly saturate all of our many layers?

Soak me in your laundry and I’ll come out clean,
    scrub me and I’ll have a snow-white life.

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

Tune me in to foot-tapping songs,
    set these once-broken bones to dancing.

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

Don’t look too close for blemishes,
    give me a clean bill of health.

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

God, make a fresh start in me,
    shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life.

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

Don’t throw me out with the trash,
    or fail to breathe holiness in me.

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

Bring me back from gray exile,
    put a fresh wind in my sails!

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

Give me a job teaching rebels your ways
    so the lost can find their way home.

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

Commute my death sentence, God, my salvation God,
    and I’ll sing anthems to your life-giving ways.

(Pause. Pray. Ponder.)

Unbutton my lips, dear God;
    I’ll let loose with your praise.

As we pause, pray, and ponder all day long, may God’s Word unleash more of its playful power.
