Good morning…
I have heard the expression: “Hurting people hurt.” This week I was introduced to the flip side: “Healing people heal.”
Pondering this phrase in the wee hours of the night, I open an email from Jan Johnson, a California professor from my spiritual direction training program. For me, Jan puts flesh on the bones of these three key words: “Healing people heal.”
“I have a better life,” Jan writes, “if I’m not resentful. I have more joy if I’m generous. I see how good my life is if I pause to be thankful. I’m not near as crabby if I let things go (in other words, forgive). Why would I want a high-drama life of criticism, jealousy, and judgement? Kindness is a lot more fun than self-absorption. God created our bodies and psyches and minds to run certain ways and so it’s smarter to cooperate with God’s ideas of what is good and right and pleasurable.”
We are all created to walk in the ways of the LORD. You show me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; in your right hand are pleasures evermore (Psalm 16:11, AMP).
When life hurts us, we each have a choice: “Will I hurt back? Or will I allow myself to be transformed by the Healer into an agent of healing?”