
Good morning…

Last Thursday, Diana’s spirit left earth for heaven, released from the cancer that filled her body. On Sunday, I sat in the church pew behind her daughter, hugged her, listened to her grief, bonded over her deep love for her mother. Later, we sang the Audrey Assad song below, I Shall Not Want.

First thing on Monday I revisited the gorgeous song, lifting up loved ones in prayer as they prepared for Diana’s 10:00 am celebration of life service. At the intimate gathering, the family displayed Diana’s self-taught art. The fun sting of photos playing on the screen revealed her deep love for family, for gardening, for painting. The service was touching – special songs, Scriptures, stories shared – and the grief of loss was palpable.


On the same day, miles and miles away, young Hersh Goldberg-Polin was also honored and laid to rest in Jerusalem. Hersh, one of the Israeli-American hostages who was found killed by Hamas this week, was celebrated by his family, his friends, and a massive crowd of mourners. What deep, deep sorrow overflows.

There are so many grieving people in Gaza and Israel, Ukraine and Russia, Syria and Haiti, and the list goes on and on and on. Each person has their own family, their own friends, their own set of gifted talents to paint into our world. I envision the heart of God expanding to embrace all our anguish.

One reading shared at Diana’s service was the 23rd Psalm. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul (Psalm 23:1-3a, ESV). “I shall not want,” whispers the miraculous statement of holistic healing.

As we listen to the beauty of this moving song, may we hold in our own hearts all who are grieving across our globe.
