Good morning…
Highlighting a new book recommendation, Walk in a Relaxed Manner: Life Lessons from the Camino by Joyce Rupp, our post from yesterday was simply entitled Relax. Soon a friend emailed from Florida.
“Good morning Sue,” she wrote. “There’s that word again – relaxed – God in stereo! Watched more Megan Fate wisdom yesterday – can’t wait to read this book! Xo.” https://www.instagram.com/reel/C9NQnafiQPM/?igsh=NjZiM2M3MzIxNA==
After watching the short, smart instagram clip, I emailed my friend right back: “God is so funny and consistent, isn’t he? Just like Megan says, ‘Relaxed is really not the word that comes first when thinking of Jesus.’ But Dallas Willard is an author we studied extensively in our spiritual direction training. He is wise and well respected. The one word Dallas chose to describe Jesus is relaxed.”
“Imitating Jesus, our ability to ‘walk in a relaxed manner’ is a byproduct of our intimacy with God,” I wrote. “It is a transformational experience only God can orchestrate, as we stay deeply connected over time. Living in a relaxed manner is why Jesus could take a nap in the boat as the storm was raging. He trusted God so completely. I love this unusual repetition, relaxed, relaxed. We are reminded to live in oneness.💞”
In talking with our Father, Jesus prayed for our intimacy, our oneness, saying, “I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you” (John 17:21a, NLT). Intimacy with God develops a relaxed manner of living.
Then, curious, I explored the Dallas Willard quote further and found this insightful article: https://www.soulshepherding.org/relaxed/
Sharing wisdom with my loyal friend in Florida, we bonding deeply with God and one another before our second mug of coffee.
Relaxed. Relaxed. Relaxed. “Relax. Don’t be afraid,” (Genesis 43:23a, NLT).