Good morning…
I borrowed a book from my friend yesterday, Lifesigns by Henri Nouwen. On page 22, Nouwen offers us tangible wisdom taught by his spiritual mentor.
When Jean Vanier speaks about an intimate place, he often stretches out his arm and cups his hand as if to hold a small wounded bird. He asks: “What will happen if I open my hand fully?” We say: “The bird will try to flutter its wings, and it will fall and die.” Then he asks again: “But what will happen if I close my hand?” We say: “The bird will be crushed and die.” Then he smiles and says: “An intimate place is like my cupped hand, neither totally opened or totally closed. It is a space where growth can take place.”
…when we are willing to confess to ourselves and the other that we too are broken, that we too have a handicap, and that we too need a place to grow, we can build a home together and offer each other an intimate place.
We are broken. We are handicapped. We all need a place to grow.
Jesus invites us to rest in his cupped hand: “Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me” (John 15:4, MSG).
From this intimate place, within this cupped space, God’s fruit will gradually grow.