Good morning…
Important emails are piling up. I don’t have time to respond to all. I feel overwhelmed. In my mind, heart, and gut are gnarly knots. I don’t have time to untangle all. I feel overwhelmed. Time evaporates with so much left to do. I don’t have time to accomplish all. I feel overwhelmed.
Unaware of my chaotic quandary, yet at the perfect moment, a friend emails me wisdom.
3 Things To Do When Overwhelmed – notes from lecture by Trevor Hudson, 3/7/19
1. Name it. Give it language. This begins to give it some distance/space to breathe.
2. Describe it to someone who will walk with you, who will “witness” and not try to fix, so you are not alone.
3. Attend to the shape of your daily living. When overwhelming times overwhelm, healthy choices can be first to go.
Until I take time to name my gnarly knots, share my overwhelm, and attend to my everyday living, I will remain overwhelmed. Starting from scratch, he made the entire human race and made the earth hospitable, with plenty of time and space for living so we could seek after God, and not just grope around in the dark but actually find him (Acts 17:26-27, MSG).
Until I learn the art of taking time with God, during calm times and chaos, beneath bright skies and dark, time will keep taking me.