Good morning…
Yesterday morning her email came in.
“Happy end of summer, Sue,” she wrote. “Looking forward to our group getting back together soon. Below is from Richard Rohr’s website — glad we are going to be studying one of his books this semester. Thought this might help ‘someone who is struggling‘ to better hear the voice of God. It’s always a comfort to me to be reminded of God’s everywhere presence. Here is what Rohr writes.”
Like other mystics, Bowman found God everywhere, in all beings. She saw many images of God:
God is bread when you’re hungry, water when you’re thirsty, a harbor from the storm. God’s father to the fatherless, a mother to the motherless. God’s my sister, my brother, my leader, my guide, my teacher, my comforter, my friend. God’s the way-maker and burden-bearer, a heart-fixer and a mind-regulator. God’s my doctor who never lost a patient, my lawyer who never lost a case, my captain who never lost a battle. God’s my all in all, my everything.
God’s my rock, my sword, my shield, my lily of the valley, my pearl of great price. God’s a god of peace and a god of war. Counselor, Emmanuel, Redeemer, Savior, Prince of Peace, Son of God, Mary’s little baby, wonderful Word of God.
These images come from Scripture and from the meditations of Christians. . . . Each one corresponds to a particular need. All these images help me as I call upon God’s name.
“I love this reminder,” I replied.
With so many vivid Biblical images, I slowly re-read the list above, starting with “Bread.” “Water.” “Harbor.”
Sitting quietly, personally I pondered, “God, who are You most, to me, right now?”
Ending my quiet time, I opened another email with the following paraphrase embedded: “The Lord Is My Pace Setter.”
Might “Pace Setter” be the facet of God we need most right now, as the welcoming winds of a new fall semester begin to pick up steam?
Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit (Galatians 5:25, NIV).