Good morning…
One recent evening, I was feeling blue. Swirling, muted worries shaded my inner world. Then, I looked outside our window. The sky seemed to match my mood. Stepping out into it, I took myself on a walk at dusk.

As the black silhouette criss-crossed the painted sky, new forms of beauty began to emerge. Inhaling fresh air, exhaling stress, I walked around our neighborhood. As darkness descended, nurturing light appeared.
I thought of the idiom “can’t see the forest for the trees”, which meant that my complex inner parts were distracting me from comprehending the whole. I could not understand the entirety of a hard situation. Preoccupied with difficult details, I was overlooking the bigger picture. Lost in a maze of emotions, I could not see the Something larger.

Relaxing into the night, I returned home refreshed.
The next morning, as I prepared for class, I read these words from Kay Warren’s Choose Joy: Because Happiness Isn’t Enough: “God invites us to take in pleasure every day. Take a walk around your neighborhood one day this week, not for exercise but for pleasure.” (178)
I realized that the night before, I had instinctively done just that.
Arise, shine, for your light has broken through! The Eternal One’s brilliance has dawned upon you (Isaiah 60:1, VOICE).