
Good morning…

“If you could have one superpower, what would it be?” the ice-breaker question asks. What superpower would you choose? Like a kernel of corn, my best answer pops in my brain. If I was given one superpower, I would choose to possess the power to shrink or to expand the moment at hand, on any given day, at any given time.

Here is what I mean. When I am sitting in traffic, or surrounded by the dark gloom of a rainy day, or feeling powerless over a bout of depression, these are the types of moments I would choose to shrink. Cut. Dried. Done with that. The road before me would open, the sun would come out, and the power of joy would fill my whole being.

The flip side is cool too. When I am experiencing a creative, collaborative conversation, or I am watching the shifting colors of a breath-taking sunrise, or I am feeling deeply at home in my own unique skin, during moments like these I would choose to expand time. With my superpower, I would make these moments bigger and longer and more pronounced.

But every superpower has its downside. The problem with this superpower, if put into practice, is that I would shrink what I hate and I would expand what I love and over time I would shrivel into the god of my life.

God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes (Psalm 18:24, MSG).


P.S. Thanks again to Gina MacFarland, our SueToYou web designer, who also has designed the website for singer, songwriter, actor Gwen Hughes. Check out her website and you can find our backyard trampoline, our hammock, and our little dog Gracie used in a photo shoot.