
Good morning…

After a stormy night a few weeks back, I went into our back yard to survey the debris, the fallen limbs, the messy leaves. What caught my attention was a huge spider web delicately hanging mid-air.


I walked over to observe more closely the spider constructing her web. Active. Intricate. Diligently working. The small creature would silently venture out toward the periphery to knit together more layers of connecting strands.


I watched for a long while, in awe of the elaborate masterpiece. Yet as strong winds picked up, the little gal was stuck dangling awkwardly on undulating threads, at the mercy of the unpredictable breeze.


Instinctively, she would crawl back into the still center to wait out the winds. When the winds gradually died down again, she would venture out to weave more connections into her temporary home. This pattern continued, expand out to connect, center-in for sanctuary. Out to work. In to rest.


I thought to myself, “If spiders ‘center in’ as swirling winds begin to blow, might we instinctively ‘center in’ with God when the winds of this world gust crazy strong?”

In the center of it will be the sanctuary of the Lord (Ezekiel 48:10, NIV).
