
Good morning…

“Oh I wish I could just fly up and join you to make wordless prayer cards,” she wrote yesterday from a few states away. Then she explained: “My heart is tangled with my head, my head is tangled with fear, my fear is tangled with worry, my worry is tangled with love, my love is tangled with control, my control is tangled with anxiety, my anxiety is tangled with stress, my stress is tangled with depression, my depression is tangled with grief, my grief is tangled with gray skies, the gray skies are tangled with hope, my hope is tangled with belief, my belief is tangled with my journey, my journey is tangled with waking towards a light, the light, not my light but ultimately the light that comes with joy.”

“What would my card look like?” she wondered. I took her question into prayer. “God, all tangled up, what would her card look like?”

Nudged by the Spirit, I crafted two cards and sent her the first photo of her wordless prayer cards resting on my lap. Yet I sensed the Spirit wasn’t quite done, so I created the third card below and shared it too, asking her, “What might God be whispering to you?”

Now, take a moment and look at these images. Ask yourself, “What might God be whispering to me?”


Then came her delightfully different response:

“I love it! You crack me up.” I laughed out loud, as God’s joy tipped our soulful scales.

Although you haven’t seen Jesus, you still love Him. Although you don’t yet see Him, you do believe in Him and celebrate with a joy that is glorious and beyond words (1 Peter 1:8, VOICE).


P.S. We had a really relaxing, creative time with God and friends, new and old. If you’d like to join us making wordless prayer cards next month, please let me know.